
Call for Papers

Special Issue Topic: "Afghanistan"

Submission Deadline: December 6, 2024 (complete manuscripts)

Publication Date: March 1, 2025

Email the editor with any questions: gnsijournal-editor@usf.edu

Call for Papers:

The Journal of Strategic Security (JSS) is a double-blind peer-reviewed professional journal published quarterly by the Global and National Security Institute (GNSI) and we are pleased to announce a call for submissions for our upcoming special issue on Afghanistan political stability and security issues. This issue aims to explore the multifaceted impacts of the 2021 withdrawal from Afghanistan, reflecting on the entire 20 years of US occupation. The driving theme of the special issue is how the US, allied nations, and partners should engage with Afghanistan in the future.

Papers may address different issues such as:

  • Strategic insights regarding the implications for security in the region throughout the 20 years of US and NATO presence and post-withdrawal.

  • Lessons learned from the intervention and withdrawal, including successful and unsuccessful strategies and their potential impact on future military and political operations.

  • Counterterrorism efforts during and after the intervention, focusing on the effectiveness and challenges of various measures over the two decades.

  • Humanitarian challenges and responses over the 20-year period, evaluating both immediate and long-term impacts on the civilian population and aid efforts.

  • The evolution of local and regional power dynamics resulting from the prolonged presence of the US and NATO and subsequent withdrawal.

  • The socio-political transformation within Afghanistan, including changes in governance, societal norms, and local resistance movements.

  • The role of international organizations and neighboring countries in shaping the security landscape during and after the US and NATO presence.

Afghanistan Conference: November 13, 2024

In conjunction with this special issue, we invite you to attend GNSI’s Afghanistan Conference on November 13, 2024. This event is free and open to the public and will feature prominent academics and policymakers specializing in Afghanistan. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage directly with the speakers, ask questions, and support their research articles.

For more information about the conference, please visit GNSI's website

Submission Guidelines:

  • All submissions must be original and not under consideration by any other publication.
  • Please format your manuscript according to the JSS style guide.
  • Submissions should be made through our online submission system, which is available on the JSS website.

Review Process: All submissions will undergo a double-blind peer review process.

Key Dates:

  • GNSI Afghanistan Conference: November 13, 2024
  • Manuscript submission deadline: December 6, 2024
  • Publication Date: March 1, 2025

Submit your manuscript online here

Ensure your paper meets the JSS Submission Guidelines

For any inquiries concerning the publication, please contact Jeremy Tamsett, Editor, at gnsijournal-editor@usf.edu

For any questions concerning the GNSI Afghanistan conference, please contact Heather Ward at: heatherward@usf.edu

We look forward to reviewing your submissions!