

A crucial aspect of the learning cycle, unlearning has recently received more attention in academic discussions about the future of higher education. In an attempt to improve equality and equity of access to quality educational experiences in the wake of postmassification, the recent literature has highlighted the need to incorporate unlearning practices to transform university learning experiences. This literature review examines the role of the unlearning process in engaging diverse student populations in tertiary learning environments. First, traditional and contemporary conceptualizations of unlearning are explored. Next, specific issues related to unlearning in higher education are discussed before synthesizing current studies describing extant strategies employed to foster conditions necessary for unlearning. Findings suggest that creating unlearning contexts, promoting contemplative practices, and using strategic foresight methods have the potential to enable the unlearning process. However, further research is needed to triangulate findings from emergent studies on unlearning practices in higher education.


intentional unlearning, higher education, constructivism, knowledge management

ORCID Identifiers

Mihaela A. Lynn: https://orcid.org/0009-0002-0538-3461



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