Irish Studies Collections at USF Libraries | University of South Florida Research | Digital Commons @ University of South Florida
Irish Studies

Irish Studies

Thanks to generous donations by James J. Harkins, Patrick Garland, and the family of Francis J. Thompson, USF Special Collections is home to a growing Irish Studies collection. These materials are incorporated into courses taught at USF, including “The Irish in America”, taught each Spring. Students “adopt” an item from our Irish Studies collections, and submit a research essay based on their selection. Those items are featured here. The Irish Studies digital collection consists of various types of materials, including dime novels, plays, sheet music and other curiosities. The collection will be augmented periodically as new items are digitized.


Browse the Irish Studies Collections:

Celtic Heritage Oral History Program

Dion Boucicault Theatre Collection, 1843-1847

Francis J. Thompson Collection (1930-1989)

Irish Review

Irish Studies Publications