"Nuovi Dati Sulla Produzione Ceramica Tipo Thapsos di Area Etnea: Il Ca" by Davide Tanasi

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The general lack of data about the technological features of the production represents the main problem of the archaeological research on Sicilian prehistoric. In particular, about the Middle Bronze Age, a period corresponding to the Thapsos culture and its three chronological phases (15th-13th century BC), the only studies available are those about Aeolian islands and still nothing exists for Sicily. The present paper aims to bridge this gap discussing the ceramic materials found at Grotte di Marineo, a prehistoric cave site explored in 1988-1989. Middle Bronze Age contexts at Grotte di Marineo were represented by the test pit 2 (layers 2-4) and test pit 3 (layer 2) of the Cave 1 and the test pit 1 (layers 4 and 5) of the Cave 3. The study of ceramic materials has brought to the selection of 230 diagnostic samples that were distinguished through an autoptic analysis in six groups (A-E). The relationship found between fabrics and chronological phases pointed out some cultural features of the pottery production totally unknown for this period until now. The aim of this research was to put forth new elements about technology of the pottery production in the Middle Bronze Age Sicily.

Citation / Publisher Attribution

Sicilia Antiqua, v. XII, p. 9-24
