Document Type
Publication Date
Spring 5-2011
Stuart Wilkinson
Advisor Email
The present paper describes an experimental study into the effects of barrel length for the Mosin Nagant 7.62x54R rifle. The parameters investigated were primarily the muzzle velocity and quality of sound produced i.e. report. The original barrel length of 28.75 inches was reduced to a final length of 16.75 inches in two inch increments. At each barrel length a digital chronograph was utilized to measure projectile velocity approximately ten feet downrange, while the sound profile was recorded via a microphone and audio software on a laptop computer. Testing took place in a single day, outdoors in a rural location in Manatee County, Florida. Weather conditions were sunny with a slight breeze, but the range was in a sheltered location between medium brush. 10 rounds of ammunition were fired for each barrel length in order to average the results
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Scholar Commons Citation
Clark, Brandon Louis, "Effect of Barrel Length on the Muzzle Velocity and Report from a Mosin-Nagant 7.62x54R Rifle" (2011). Honors Thesis and Capstone Projects. 8.