
Research Articles


Palynology of the Late Neogene, intercepted in a borehole from Cerneţi (East of Turnu Severin)
Iustinian Petrescu, Nicoleta Bican-Brișan, Cornel Meilescu, and Liana Tunsoiu


The importance of micro- and macroflora from Batoţi (Mehedinţi district) in the frame of the paleofloristic heritage of Romania
Florina Diaconu, Nicolae Țicleanu, Iustinian Petrescu, Victor Barbu, and Cornel Meilescu


Correlations between the air pollution and the rainfall composition in Jiului Valley area
Eugen Traistă, Mădălina Ionică, Vlad Codrea, and Ovidiu Barbu


Fanthalamia kadiri n. sp., a new "Sphinctozoan" sponge from the Triassic (Carnian) of Turkey
Baba Senowbari-Daryan, Michael Link, and Diego C. García-Bellido


Coptocampylodon pantici n. morpho sp. from the Turonian of NW Serbia
Darivojka Ljubović-Obradović and Rajka Radoičić

Book Review