Submissions from 2000
Bruun Rule and Its Application to the Coastal Zone of China, Congxian Li, Ping Wang, Daidu Fan, and Bing Deng
Bruun Rule and Its Application to the Coastal Zone of China, C. Li, P. Wang, D. Fan, and B. Deng
Watching Magma from Space, Zhong Lu, Charles Wicks, Daniel Dzurisin, Wayne Thatcher, Jeffrey T. Freymueller, Stephen R. McNutt, and Dörte Mann
Aseismic Inflation of Westdahl Volcano, Alaska, Revealed by Satellite Radar Interferometry, Zhong Lu, Charles Wicks, Daniel Dzurisin, Wayne Thatcher, Jeffrey T. Freymuller, Stephen R. McNutt, and Dorte Mann
Geomicrobiology of Black Sediments in Vântului Cave (Romania): Preliminary Results, Elena Manolache and Bogdan P. Onac
Lightning Associated with the 1992 Eruptions of Crater Peak, Mount Spurr Volcano, Alaska, Stephen R. McNutt and C. M. Davis
Past perceptions of the great American wetland: Florida's Everglades during the early 20th century., Christopher F. Meindl
The great American wetland., Christopher F. Meindl
The Effectiveness of the National Flood Insurance Program in Two Communities, Syracuse, NY and Tampa, FL, Burrell E. Montz and Graham A. Tobin
Review of the U.S. Geological Survey's Volcano Hazards Program, National Research Council; Division on Earth and Life Studies; Board on Earth Sciences and Resources; Commission on Geosciences, Environment and Resources; Committee on the Review of the USGS Volcano Hazards Program; and Charles Connor
Continuity and Change in Cameroonian Land Policy, Ambe J. Njoh
Some Development Implications of Housing and Spatial Policies in Sub-Saharan African Countries with Emphasis on Cameroon, Ambe J. Njoh
The Impact of Colonial Heritage on Development in Sub-Saharan Africa, Ambe J. Njoh
Transportation Infrastructure and Economic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa, Ambe J. Njoh
Geology of Karst Terrains, Bogdan P. Onac
The Palaeoclimate Recorded in a Late Glacial to Holocene Stalagmite from Ursilor Cave (Romania), Bogdan P. Onac, S. Constantin, and S. E. Lauritzen
CAMIRO 1.0 – The Romanian Cave Minerals Database Program, Bogdan P. Onac, Ferenc Forray, and Nicoleta Feier
Crystallography and Mineralogy of Multi-Aggregates Speleothems from Peretele Dârninii Cave (Bihor Mountains, Romania), Bogdan P. Onac and J. Kearns
The First Reported Occurrence of Metatyuyamunite – Ca(UO2)2(VO4)23-5H2O – in Romania, Bogdan P. Onac, J. Kearns, P. Damm, and W. B. White
Reintroduction of Wetland Functions to the Urban Landscape: the Stormwater Ecological Enhancement Project, George M. Otto, Mark W. Clark, Thomas J. Walker, and Thomas L. Crisman
Correlation of Vegetation and Benthic Macroinvertebrate Community Changes in Florida Pondcypress Swamps Following Clearcutting, Joseph P. Prenger, Susanna L. Hetrick, and Thomas L. Crisman
Band Selection from Hyperspectral Data for Conifer Species Identification, Ruiliang Pu and Peng Gong
Scărişoara Glacier Cave: Monographic Study, Gheorghe Racovita and Bogdan P. Onac
Avoiding an Ozymandian Fate, Mark C. Rains
The Effect of Particle Size on the Compressibility of MgO, S. Rehki, S. K. Saxena, Zachary D. Atlas, and J. Hu
David Fischer, Race Relations, and Political Incorporation in St. Petersburg, Florida, P. N. Rigos, Ambe J. Njoh, and D. F. Paulson
Comparative Ecosystem Analysis of Hydrologic Restoration of Tates Hell Swamp, Chris Robert, Thomas Crisman, Loren Anderson, and Carolyn Kendell
Anomalous Fresh Water Lens Morphology on a Strip Barrier Island, C. Ruppel, G. Schultz, and Sarah Kruse
Influence of boundary scavenging and sediment focusing on 234Th, 228Th and 210Pb fluxes in the Santa Barbara Basin., Joseph M. Smoak, Willard S. Moore, and Robert C. Thunell
The Restoration & Management of Small Wetlands of the Mountains & Piedmont in the Southeast: A Manual Emphasizing Endangered & Threatened Species Habitat with a Focus on Bog Turtles, Ann B. Somers, Kenneth A. Bridle, Dennis W. Herman, A. Barry Nelson, and Elizabeth M. Walton
A Population of Bog Turtles in the Piedmont of North Carolina: Habitat Preferences, Capture Method Efficacy, Conservation Initiatives and Site Enhancement, Ann Somers and Elizabeth M. Walton
Message from the new President and Secretary-General of IAVCEI, R. S. J. Sparks and Stephen R. McNutt
Lead Pollution in Soils Adjacent to Bus Stops in Tampa, Florida, Graham A. Tobin and Robert Brinkmann
Flooding and the Distribution of Selected Metals in Floodplain Sediments in St. Maries, Idaho, Graham A. Tobin, Robert Brinkmann, and Burrell E. Montz
Lithium Isotope Evidence for Light Element Decoupling in the Panama Subarc Mantle, Paul B. Tomascak, Jeffrey G. Ryan, and Marc J. Defant
Lithium Isotope Evidence for Light Element Decoupling in the Panama Subarc Mantle, Paul B. Tomascak, Jeffrey G. Ryan, and Marc J. Defant
A Course in Geological-Mathematical Problem Solving, H. L. Vacher
Computational Geology 10 – The Algebra of Deduction, H. L. Vacher
Computational Geology 11 – Uniformitarianism and the Inverse Problem, H. L. Vacher
Computational Geology 12 – Cramer's Rule and the Three-Point Problem, H. L. Vacher
Computational Geology 9 - The Exponential Function, H. L. Vacher
Seasonal Variability in Organic Substances in Surface and Cave Waters at Marengo Cave, Indiana, Philip E. van Beynen, Derek Ford, and Henry P. Schwarcz
Paleosols, Stable Carbon Isotopes, and Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of Kanapoi, Northern Kenya, Jonathan G. Wynn
Submissions from 1999
Fractionation of Trace Elements by Subduction-Zone Metamorphism — Effect of Convergent-Margin Thermal Evolution, Gray E. Bebout, Jeffrey G. Ryan, William P. Leeman, and Ann E. Bebout
Fractionation of Trace Elements by Subduction-Zone Metamorphism — Effect of Convergent-Margin Thermal Evolution, Gray E. Bebout, Jeffrey G. Ryan, William P. Leeman, and Ann E. Bebout
Chemical and Physical Characteristics of Street Sweepings Sediments in Tampa, Florida, Robert Brinkmann, Christopher Emrich, Mark Billus, Brendan Dwyer, and Jeffrey G. Ryan
Geographic Implications of Urban Street Sweeping Protocols: The Need for Further Research, Robert Brinkmann and Graham A. Tobin
Basaltic Volcanic Fields, Charles Connor and F. M. Conway
Real-Time Geophysics Using Linux, Laura J. Connor and Charles B. Connor
Constraints to Successful Rehabilitation of Subtropical and Tropical Wetlands, Thomas Crisman
Volcanic Materials in Commerce and Industry, Jonathan Dehn and Stephen R. McNutt
New Kinematic models for Pacific-North America motion from 3 Ma to present, I: Evidence for steady motion and biases in the NUVEL-1A Model, Charles DeMets and Timothy H. Dixon
Natural Flatwoods Marshes and Created Freshwater Marshes of Florida: Factors Influencing Aquatic Invertebrate Distribution and Comparisions between Natural and Created Marsh Communities, D. L. Evans, W. J. Streever, and Thomas Crisman
Photo Ecometrics for Forest Inventory, Peng Gong, Greg S. Biging, S. M. Lee, X. Mei, Y. Sheng, Ruiliang Pu, B. Xu, Klaus-Peter Schwarz, and Mohamed Mostafa
Seismicity at the volcanoes of Katmai National Park, Alaska; July 1995–December 1997, Arthur D. Jolly and Stephen R. McNutt
Isotopic Stratigraphy of a Last Interglacial Stalagmite from North-Western Romania: Correlation with the Deep-Sea Record and Northern-Latitude Speleothem, Stein-Erik Lauritzen and Bogdan P. Onac
Cypress Domes in North Florida: Invertebrate Ecology and Response to Human Disturbance, A. J. Leslie, J. P. Prenger, and Thomas Crisman
Sedimentation Rate and Sedimentary Break in Tidal Deposits, Congxian Li, Ping Wang, Daidu Fan, and Li Tiesong
Tidal Flat Sedimentation and Hiatus in the Shanghai Area, China, Congxian Li, Ping Wang, Daidu Fan, and Li Tiesong
Late Quaternary Stratigraphical Framework and Potential Environmental Problems in the Changjiang Delta Region, C. Li, Ping Wang, D. Fan, and T. Li
Noise in GPS Coordinate Time Series, Ailin Mao, Christopher G.A. Harrison, and Timothy H. Dixon
Palaeogene-Neogene/Present Day (?) Growth Folding in the Bahamian Foreland of the Cuban Fold and Thrust Belt, Jose L. Masaferro, Josep Poblet, Mayte Bulnes, Gregor P. Eberli, Timothy H. Dixon, and K. E.N. McClay
Eruptions of Pavlof Volcano, Alaska, and their Possible Modulation by Ocean Load and Tectonic Stresses: Re-evaluation of the Hypothesis Based on New Data from 1984-1998, Stephen R. McNutt
Seismic Monitoring, Stephen R. McNutt
Volcanic Seismicity, Stephen R. McNutt
Synthesis of Volcano Monitoring, Stephen R. McNutt, Hazel Rymer, and John Stix
Ten Years After: A Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Flooding on Residential Property Values, B. E. Montz and Graham A. Tobin
A Conceptual View of Carbonate Island Karst, J. E. Mylroie and H. L. Vacher
Slow Deformation and Lower Seismic Hazard at the New Madrid Seismic Zone, Andrew Newman, Seth Stein, John Weber, Joseph Engeln, Ailin Mao, and Timothy H. Dixon
Gender-Based Discrimination in Urban Planning Policy in Cameroon, Ambe J. Njoh
Gender-Biased Transportation Planning in Sub-Saharan Africa with Special Reference to Cameroon, Ambe J. Njoh
Technology-Transfer and Public Transportation Functioning in Less Developed countries: An Exploratory Study, Ambe J. Njoh
The State, Urban Development Policy and Society in Cameroon, Ambe J. Njoh
The Sustainability of North-South Transfer Technology in Public Transportation: Theory and Practice in Sub-Saharan Africa, Ambe J. Njoh
Decelerating Nazca-South America and Nazca-Pacific Plate Motions, Edmundo O. Norabuena, Timothy H. Dixon, Seth Stein, and Christopher G. A. Harrison
Women, Aging, and Post-Disaster Stress: Risk Factors, Jane C. Ollenburger and Graham A. Tobin
Sediment accumulation rates along the inner eastern Brazilian continental shelf., Sambasiva R. Patchineelam and Joseph M. Smoak
Bottom Boundary Layer Parameters and Sediment Transport on the Louisiana Inner-Shelf During Cold Front Passages, David A. Pepper, Gregory W. Stone, and Ping Wang
Beryllium, Jeff Ryan
Too Hot, Too Cold, Just Right? The Development of a Habitable Planet Based on Insights from Mars (and Other Worlds), Jeffrey G. Ryan
Comparison of 234Th, 228Th, and 210Pb fluxes with fluxes of major sediment components in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California., Joseph M. Smoak, Willard S. Moore, Robert C. Thunell, and Timothy J. Shaw
Sediment mixing and accumulation in a mangrove ecosystem: Evidence from 210Pb, 234Th and 7Be., Joseph M. Smoak and Sambasiva R. Patchineelam
Geophysical Investigations, Mark T. Stewart
Post Audit of a Numerical Prediction of Wellfield Drawdown in a Semiconfined Aquifer System, Mark T. Stewart and Christian Langevin
The Importance of Cyclogenesis on the Short-Term Evolution of Gulf Coast Barriers, Gregory W. Stone and Ping Wang
Unanticipated Nearshore Response to Detached, Segmented Breakwaters Along Raccoon Island, Louisiana, U.S.A., Gregory W. Stone and Ping Wang
Studying the Importance of Hurricanes to the Northern Gulf of Mexico Coast, Gregory W. Stone, Ping Wang, David A. Pepper, J. M. Grymes III, Harry H. Roberts, Xiongping Zhang, S. A. Hsu, and Oscar K. Huh
Wave Height Measurements At The Lake Salvador Shoreline Protection Demonstration Project (Ba-15), Gregory W. Stone, Ping Wang, and X. Zhang
Modelling of Seismo-Volcanic Sources, Glenn Thompson
Sustainability and Community Resilience: The Holy Grail of Hazards Planning?, Graham A. Tobin
The Impacts of Flooding and Land-Use on the Distribution of Lead in Floodplain Sediments, Graham A. Tobin, Robert Brinkmann, and Burrell E. Montz
Geologic Investigation of the late Pleistocene Jaimanitas Formation: Science and Society in Castro’s Cuba, Marguerite A. Toscano, Eileen Rodriguez, and Joyce Lundberg
Computational Geology 4 – Mapping with Vectors, H. L. Vacher
Computational Geology 5 – If Geology, Then Calculus, H. L. Vacher
Computational Geology 6 – Solving Problems, H. L. Vacher
Computational Geology 7 – The Algebra of Unit Conversions, H. L. Vacher
Computational Geology 8 – The Power Function, H. L. Vacher
Isotopic ‘Events’ in the GRIP Ice Core: A Stratotype for the Late Pleistocene, Michael J.C. Walker, Svante Bjorck, J. J. Lowe, Les C. Cwynar, Sigfus Johnsen, Karen-Luise Knudsen, Barbara Wohlfarth, INTIMATE Group, and Bogdan P. Onac