Select Florida Studies Publications
Documentary, Search for the U.S.S. Maine, 2001
"Over one hundred years ago, the U.S.S. MAINE was on a friendly visit to Havana, Cuba, when the battleship mysteriously exploded killing most of the crew and sparking off the Spanish-American War. Now, over a century later, an international team of scientists searches the deep waters off the coast of Havana, hoping to find the wreck of this once mighty ship - the U.S.S. MAINE - an American legend on the ocean floor."--WUSF-TV website.
VHS, Tampa Bay: The Climate is Right for Your High Tech Business, 1997
GTE VisNet
The western anchor of Florida's High-Tech corridor, a seven-county region surrounding the beautiful Tampa Bay, is emerging as the next important center of high technology development in the United States. This video tour will show you the converging influences for the clusters of thriving high-tech businesses now calling the Tampa Bay area home.
Report, Tampa Neighborhood Development Program, Areas 1 & 4, Tampa, Florida: Final Environmental Impact Statement, 1975
United States. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Summarized findings on the Environmental Impact on the Tampa Neighborhood Development Program as written by the Department of Housing and Urban Development's Jacksonville Area Office.
Booklet, A New Era in Ybor City, circa 1968
Urban Renewal Agency of the City Of Tampa
Booklet with information about the Ybor Urban Renewal Project. Booklet information is aimed towards businesspeople and business property owners and the opportunities urban development in Ybor City would provide these parties.
Booklet, Programs of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, May 1966
Department of Housing and Urban Development and Federal Housing Administration
A booklet from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development about programs offered.
Booklet, Urban Renewal Land, 1966
Tampa (Fla.). Urban Renewal Agency
A booklet on property development opportunities in downtown Tampa and the riverfront due to the Urban Renewal Program.
Report, Land Utilization and Marketability Analysis, April 1965
Hammer and Company Associates
Summarized findings and conclusions of the land utilization and marketability study of property to be made available with the Ybor City Urban Renewal Project. Report includes six sections.
Booklet, Summary of the Urban Renewal Program, November 1965
United States. Department of Housing and Urban Development
A booklet from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development about the Urban Renewal Program.
Booklet, La Renovación Urbana de Ybor City: Lo que Puede Significar paralos Residentes, para los Propietarios, 1965
Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Tampa
Booklet, Information on the Ybor Urban Renewal Project. Booklet from the Ybor Urban Renewal project aimed at the residents Ybor City. The booklet answers questions residents may have concerning urban development and who to contact. An English version of this booklet can be found here: English Version.
Booklet, Urban Renewal for Ybor City: What it Can Mean to People Living Here, Owning Property Here, 1965
Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Tampa
Booklet with information on the Ybor Urban Renewal Project aimed at residents of Ybor City. The booklet answers questions residents may have concerning urban development and who to contact. A Spanish version of this booklet can be found here: Spanish version.
Brochure, La Tampa de Ayer, 1955
Cesar Rivero Mas
A brochure compiling information on the history of Tampa, Florida, and advertisements for local businesses made in celebration of Tampa's 100th anniversary as a corporate town in 1955.
Transcripts, Life Histories: Biographical Interviews of Ybor City Residents, circa 1936-1941
Federal Writers' Project of the Work Projects Administration for the State of Florida
Biographical Interviews, Collection of interviews with Ybor City residents on the development of Ybor City. Names of interviewees include: Mr. Pedro Barrios, Mr. John Cacciatore, Jose Ramon Sanfeliz, Dr. M. Santos, Fernando Lemos, Domingo Ginesta, Mr. Gerardo Cortina, Mr. B.M. Balbontin, Mr. Fermin Souto, and Mr. Enrique Pendas
Report, Social-Ethnic Study of Ybor City, Volume 2, Part 2, circa 1935
Federal Writers' Project of the Work Projects Administration for the State of Florida
Report with summarized findings on the conditions of Cubans in Tampa. Includes interviews from Ybor City residents as well as sections on club and community, conversation, recreational activities, educational and cultural activities, welfare aid, government, medical aid, and others. In particular are foci on the mutual aid societies of Ybor City including the Centro Asturiano de Tampa and the Centro Español de Tampa.
King Tut Dream Book, Policy Player, and Fortune Teller
El Malecon
The true interpretation of dreams, and also the numbers of the lottery to which they apply and a general dictionary of the significance of dreams.
What Price Paradise?
Alan Hugh Hillgarth
"In an opulent Palm Beach hotel Henderson finds the still warm body of his arch enemy, Consett, whom he has tracked all over the world. And, crouched beside it, he finds the loveliest girl he has ever seen, a dripping knife in her hand. How Consett was murdered, who the murderer was, and how Michael wins his Claire and a fortune - make a story which holds one breathless and baffled to the last page."
Tampa Latina: Numero Dedicado a la Fundación de Ybor y a las Sociedades Latinas
Tampa Latina
An issue of Tampa Latina focused on the foundation of Ybor City and the Latin mutual aid societies. Included are mentions of the Centro Español, the Centro Asturiano, El Círculo Cubano, L'Unione Italiana, and El Porvenir. Includes ads for local businesses and restaurants.
Stories of the Seminoles
Margaret C. Fairlie
This book uses outdated and derogatory terminology to refer to indigenous peoples. It includes a series of lessons meant to teach children about native Americans.
Booklet, Aboriginal Wooden Objects from Southern Florida (with Three Plates), March 26, 1928
Jesse Walter Fewkes
A booklet written by J. Walter Fewkes detailing the origins of three aboriginal artifacts found in Lake Okeechobee and Key Marco. There are five illustrations of the artifacts included in the booklet.
Booklet, Beach Deposits of Ilmenite, Zircon and Rutile in Florida, 1928
James H.C. Martens
A geological survey of beach deposits of ilmenite, zircon and rutile in Florida written by James H. C. Martens. The book includes the origins of the three minerals and the mining activities in Mineral City, also known as Ponte Vedra Beach.
Booklet, Tampa: Florida's Greatest City, 1928
Tampa Board of Trade
A booklet put out by the Tampa Board of Trade to promote the Tampa area for potential residents and businesses.
Report, Survey of Negro Colleges and Universities, Section of Bulletin, 1928, No. 7, Chapter XIII, Florida
United States. Bureau of Education
A report by the U.S. Department of the Interior's Bureau of Education on the state of Black higher education in Florida. Three institutions are mentioned: Florida Agricultural and Mechanical College (FAMU) in Tallahassee, Edward Waters College in Jacksonville, and Bethune-Cookman College in Daytona Beach.
Letter from the Secretary of War Transmitting Report from the Chief of Engineering on Preliminary Examination and Survey of Tampa and Hillsboro Bays, Fla., and Tampa Harbor, Florida, December 14, 1927
United States. Congress (70th, 1st session : 1927-1928). House
A report on the examination and Survey of Tampa and Hillsboro Bays, Fla., and Tampa Harbor, Florida, December 14, 1927. The report includes a series of letters between various departments of the United States Government detailing the conditions of the Tampa and Hillsboro Bays.
Bases, Reglas y Cartabon General de la Nivelacion de Tampa, Fla. de 1924
Cigar Manufacturer's Association and Cigarmakers of Tampa
A book about the production of cigars in cigar factories in Tampa, Florida. Includes an English and a Spanish translation.
Adventures with Rod and Harpoon along the Florida Keys
H. Wendell Endicott
A book written by Wendell Endicott detailing his Tarpon fishing trips in the Florida Keys. The book includes eighty photographs of Endicott's journeys.