Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Impact of Seizure-Related Variables and Psychopathology on Health-Related Quality of Life in Pediatric Epilepsy, Aja M. Meyer
Application of Remote Sensing Methods to Assess the Spatial Extent of the Seagrass Resource in St. Joseph Sound and Clearwater Harbor, Florida, U.S.A., Cynthia A. Meyer
Fate of Volatile Chemicals during Accretion on Wet-Growing Hail, Ryan A. Michael
Religious Exiles And Emigrants: The Changing Face Of Zoroastrianism, Tara Angelique Migliore
Kernel Density Estimation of Reliability With Applications to Extreme Value Distribution, Branko Miladinovic
Cob Building: Movements and Moments of Survival, Jeanine Marie Minge
Framing in Leadership Communication: Strategies, Breakdowns and Outcomes, Slaheddine Mnasri
Cost-Effectiveness of Epidural Steroid Injections to Treat Lumbosacral Radiculopathy in Chronic Pain Patients Managed Under Workers’ Compensation, Sheila Mohammed
Resonance Ultrasonic Vibrations and Photoluminescence Mapping for Crack Detection in Crystalline Silicon Wafers and Solar Cells, Andrii Monastyrskyi
Modulation of Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cell Maturation and Function by Cigarette Smoke Condensate in a Bronchial Epithelial Cell Co-Culture Model, Alison J. Montpetit
Functional Remodeling of the Cardiac Glycome Throughout the Developing Myocardium, Marty L. Montpetit
Cancer Patients with Pain: Examination of the Role of the Spouse/Partner Relationship In Mediating Quality of Life Outcomes for the Couple, Mary Ann Morgan
Effects of Supervisor’s Presence on Staff Response to Tactile Prompts and Self-Monitoring in a Group Home Setting, Judy M. Mowery
¿Femenino o Feminista? Mensajes para el presente de tres escritoras hispanas del siglo XIX, Beatriz Muller-Marqués
Developments Toward a Micro Bistable Aerial Platform: Analysis of the Quadrantal Bistable Mechanism, Aaron A. Muñoz
Knitting of Nature into an Urban Fabric: A Riverfront Development, Thant Myat
Study of FPGA Implementation of Entropy Norm Computation for IP Data Streams, Subramanya Nagalakshmi
Do DIBELS Nonsense Word Fluency Scores Predict SAT-10 Reading Scores in First Grade? A Comparison of Boys and Girls in Reading First Schools, Diane E. Napier
Application of an Improved Transition Probability Matrix Based Crack Rating Prediction Methodology in Florida’s Highway Network, Sahand Nasseri
Representation and Learning for Sign Language Recognition, Sunita Nayak
Benthic Microalgae and Nutrient Flux in Florida Bay, USA, Merrie Beth Neely
(Re)defining Relationships in a Mediated Context: Graduate Student Use of Synchronous Computer-Mediated Communication, Michael P. Nicholas
A Modified Obesity Proneness Model in the Prediction of Weight Status Among High School Students, Joyce E. Nickelson
Immunomodulation As A Potential Therapeutic Approach For Alzheimer’s Disease, William Veljko Nikolic
Access to Health Care Services: A Case Study in Hillsborough County, Florida, Jaime Nodarse
An Address, Not a Room Number: An Assisted Living Community within a Community, Gregory J. Novotnak
A Stressor-Strain Model of Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Counterproductive Work Behavior, Kimberly E. O'Brien
BRCA1 185delAG Mutant Protein, BRAt, Amplifies Caspase-Mediated Apoptosis and Maspin Expression in Ovarian Cells, Joshua D. O'Donnell
The Influence of Anxiety and Depression on Cognitive Functioning in Parkinson’s Disease, Lynn E. Oelke
Investigation of visual fields and visually-mediated behavior in the bonnethead shark (Sphyrna tiburo), Amy L. Osmon
Impact of West Nile Virus on the Natural History of St. Louis Encephalitis Virus in Florida, Christy L. Ottendorfer
The Development and Validation of the Perceived Workplace Civility Climate Scale, Raymond Charles Ottinot
Assignment of Estimated Average Annual Daily Traffic Volumes on All Roads in Florida, Tao Pan
Supervision in School Psychology: Assessing the Relationship with Professional Practices, Vicki Dumois Papaemaneul
Prey-size selectivity in the bivalve Chione in the Florida Pliocene-Pleistocene: A reevaluation, Shubhabrata Paul
Factors Affecting Message Intelligibility of Cued Speech Transliterators, Katherine Pelley
Environmental Effects on Nano-Wear of Gold and KBr Single Crystal, Megan Pendergast
Analytical Perspectives of Thematic Unity: Applications of Reductive Analysis to Selected Fugues by J.S. Bach and G.F. Handel, Adam C. Perciballi
Detecting Financial Statement Fraud: Three Essays on Fraud Predictors, Multi-Classifier Combination and Fraud Detection Using Data Mining, Johan L. Perols
Ecological Coexistence: A Nature Retreat and Education Center on Rattlesnake Key, Terra Ceia, Florida, Richard F. Peterika
Psycho-Socio-Cultural Risk Factors for Breech Presentation, Caroline Peterson
The Class of ’65: Boomers at Sixty Recall Turning Points That Shaped Their Lives A Narrative Approach, Mary C. Poole
Quantifying Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) in Wetlands Impacted by Groundwater Withdrawals in West-Central Florida, Katherine Moore Powell