Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Supply Chain Optimization of Blood Products, Serkan Gunpinar
Geometric Optimization of Retroreflective Raised Pavement Markers, Lukai Guo
Self-interference in OFDM-Based Systems: Identification and Separation, Ertugrul Guvenkaya
Assessment of a Modified Double Agar Layer Method to Detect Bacteriophage for Assessing the Potential of Wastewater Reuse in Rural Bolivia, Sakira N. Hadley
Exploring the Relationship between Physical Activity and Everyday Cognitive Function in Older Adults: Within- and Between- Person Variability, Christine Haley
An Analysis of the Association between Animal Exposures and the Development of Type 1 Diabetes in the TEDDY Cohort, Callyn Hall
Multiple Calibrations in Integrative Data Analysis: A Simulation Study and Application to Multidimensional Family Therapy, Kristin Wynn Hall
Evaluation of Pulmonary Risks Associated with Selected Occupations, Stephen Casey Harbison
An(other) Rhetoric: Rhetoric, Ethics, and the Rhetorical Tradition, Kathleen Sandell Hardesty
An Evaluation of a Parent Implemented In- Situ Pedestrian Safety Skills Intervention for Individuals with Autism, Bethany Ann Harriage
Spatial and Temporal Trends of Snowfall in Central New York - A Lake Effect Dominated Region, Justin Joseph Hartnett
The Relationship between Gratitude and Psychological, Social, and Academic Functioning in Middle Adolescence, Michelle Denise Hasemeyer
Preserving Place: A Grounded Theory of Citizen Participation in Community-Based Planning, Pamela Jo Hatley
Teacher Perspectives on the Instructional Impact of the Florida Alternate Assessment, Katherine Hawley
Archaeological and Historic Preservation in Tampa, Florida, Dawn Michelle Hayes
The Translational Machinery as a Target for Radiosensitization, Thomas John Hayman
Investigation of Condition Effects on Batch Fecundity of the Common Snook, Centropomus undecimalis, in Tampa Bay, Florida, Catherine Michelle Bruger Hayslip
Refinement, Application, and Evaluation of Cognitive and Affective Chemistry Measures for College Students, Keily Heredia
An Exploration of the Meaning and Consequences of Unintended Pregnancy among Latina Cultural Subgroups: Social, Cultural, Structural, Historical and Political Influences, Natalie Dolores Hernandez
Constructing Legal Meaning in the Supreme Court Oral Arguments: Cultural Codes and Border Disputes, Jeffrey Forest Hilbert
World Heritage Status, Governance and Perception in the Pitons Management Area, St.Lucia, Vernice Camilla Hippolyte
Structured Materials for Catalytic and Sensing Applications, Selma Hokenek
Optimization, Modification and Application of Gold Nanoparticles as the Substrates of Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, Seongmin Hong
European Union Institutions, Democratic Discourse, and the Color Revolutions, Lizette G. Howard
Prenatal Stress, Depression, and Herpes Viral Titers, Pao-Chu Hsu
The Effects of Exercise Modality on State Body Image, Elizabeth Anne Hubbard
Circulating Ceramics in the Eighteenth Century Colonial Circum-Caribbean: Towards an Archaeological Model for Inter-Site Comparison, Daniel B. Hughes
Risk and HIV-serodiscordant Couples in Porto Alegre, Brazil: "Normal" Life and the Semantic Quarantine, Shana Hughes
Corrosion of Post-Tensioning Strands in Ungrouted Ducts - Unstressed Condition, Michael John Hutchison
Predictors of the Incidence and Charges for Lumbar Spinal Fusion Surgery in Florida Hospitals During 2010, Anna Ialynychev
"All Blacks Vote the Same?": Assessing Predictors of Black American Political Participation and Partisanship, Antoine Lennell Jackson
Evaluation of Using an Interrupted Behavior Chain Procedure to Teach Mands to Children with Autism, Blair Nichole Jacobsen
The Relationship between High School Coaches' Beliefs about Sports Injury and Prevention Practice Readiness, Siwon Jang
Spin Dependent Transport in Novel Magnetic Heterostructures, Priyanga Buddhika Jayathilaka
Examining the Ontoepistemological Underpinnings of Diversity Education Found in Interpersonal Communication Textbooks, Tammy L. Jeffries
Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Tablet Application to Increase Eye Contact in Children Diagnosed with Autism, Tricia Jeffries
Mother- to - Child Transmission of HIV and congenital syphilis: A snapshot of an Epidemic in the Republic of Panama, Lorna Elizabeth Jenkins
Framing Violence: The Hidden Suffering and Healing of Sudan's 'Lost Girls' in Cairo, Egypt, Ginger Ann Johnson
The End of Anarchy: Weapons of Mass Destruction and the States System, Gregory Edward Johnson
Evaluation of Four Portable Cooling Vests for Workers Wearing Gas Extraction Coveralls in Hot Environments, Joseph Kevin Johnson
Parent Distress in Life with a Child with Type 1 Diabetes, Lauren Nicole Johnson
Design of an Advanced Lighting Measurement System for Roadway Safety, Mathew Johnson
An Acoustic-based Microfluidic Platform for Active Separation and Mixing, Myeong Chan Jo
A Latent Mixture Approach to Modeling Zero-Inflated Bivariate Ordinal Data, Rajendra Kadel
Biomechanics of Patient Handling Slings Associated with Spinal Cord Injuries, Julie Kahn
The Psychophysiology of Novelty Processing: Do Brain Responses to Deviance Predict Recall, Recognition and Response Time?, Siri-Maria Kamp
Chiral Phosphoric Acid-Catalyzed Acetalization and Iso-Pictet-Spengler Reactions, Matthew Jon Kaplan
Subject of Conscience: On the Relation between Freedom and Discrimination in the Thought of Heidegger, Foucault, and Butler, Aret Karademir