Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

Degree Granting Department

Curriculum and Instruction

Major Professor

Sara Flory, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Haichun Sun, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Rebecca West Burns, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Jennifer Jacobs, Ph.D.


Case study, Culturally Relevant, Teacher Self-efficacy


The purpose of this study was to examine how one physical education teacher education (PETE) alumnus teaching in a CED urban school perceives culturally responsive teaching in physical education (PE), as well as how they enact it in their classes. Guided by culturally responsive teaching and self-efficacy, this study examined John, a physical education teacher education alumnus teaching in a CED urban elementary school. John completed the culturally responsive teaching self-efficacy scale (CRTSE; Siwatu, 2007), five semi-structured interviews, five reflection journal prompts, and eight voice memos over the course of 12 weeks. Additional data collection included text messages, emails, and a reflexive journal kept by the researcher. Pre-existing data included a semi-structured interview with John completed in May 2021, a completed CRTSE scale from May 2021, and documents, such as lesson plans, reflections, and assignments from John’s teacher preparation program.

The two themes that were constructed from this data were: (1) Nurturing knowledge for self-awareness and (2) Empowering instructional excellence through knowledge utilization. The first theme discusses how John was able to gain knowledge of himself and the world around him, the school and community, and his students. The second theme describes how John was able to utilize this knowledge to empower instructional excellence through his curriculum, structure of the school, and the structure of his classroom. The findings from this study help to illuminate strategies that both PETE programs and in-service teachers can utilize to meet the needs of CED students.
