Graduation Year
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Degree Granting Department
Curriculum and Instruction
Major Professor
AnnMarie Gunn, Ph.D.
Co-Major Professor
Danielle V. Dennis, Ph.D.
Committee Member
Roger Brindley, Ph.D.
Committee Member
Andrea Gelfuso, Ph.D.
Committee Member
Michael Sherry, Ph.D.
(mis)understandings, teacher preparation, techer educators, literacy instruction
Prior research has established preservice literacy teachers’ beliefs about teaching and learning are often misguided and/or overly-simplistic, yet limited work has examined in what ways their in-the-moment teaching decisions align or misalign with what they believe. This qualitative study used deductive analysis methods to: (1) Identify three preservice teachers’ knowledge/beliefs about reading, reading instruction, and learning, as evidenced by their planning, reflecting, and in-the-moment teaching decisions, and (2) investigate if/how participants’ knowledge/beliefs manifested across multiple teaching experiences. Findings indicate that while participants made attempts to act on professional ideas they explored/practiced with the support of a university-based mentor, they taught most consistently in strong alignment with their deepest-seated beliefs. Those beliefs frequently represented (mis)understandings (Gelfuso, 2018) about teaching, learning, and reading, and mirrored the procedures/priorities of participants’ internship contexts. Findings also indicate participants’ most salient (mis)understandings were in relation to: (a) The purpose of elementary reading instruction, (b) what it looks like/sounds like to model and guide children, and (c) what it means to learn. Implications/recommendations for preservice literacy teacher educators are discussed, as well as possible future research directions.
Scholar Commons Citation
Sweeney, Sherridon Leigh, "“Sometimes I do this thing”: Exploring preservice teachers’ knowledge and beliefs about reading instruction" (2022). USF Tampa Graduate Theses and Dissertations.
Included in
Curriculum and Instruction Commons, Teacher Education and Professional Development Commons