Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

Degree Granting Department

Curriculum and Instruction

Major Professor

Michael B. Sherry, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Janet Richards, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Patricia Jones, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Rebecca Burns, Ph.D.


academic coaching, hybrid teacher leader, teacher leader


Roles of Hybrid Teacher Leadership (HTL), positions which involve classroom teaching for part of the day and academic coaching, curriculum planning, department chair, or professional development responsibilities for the remainder of the day, are becoming more prevalent due to budgetary concerns and teacher shortages. This autoethnography analyzes the first year of my experience as a Hybrid Teacher Leader in a school district in the Southeastern United States to gain knowledge of my enactment of the role, the ways in which I can learn more about myself as an educator and an academic coach from my experiences in the role, and the ways in which others may learn from my journey. Data, in the form of email, calendar notations, journal entries, grades, classroom observation summaries, and evaluation instruments, have been used to compose vignettes to evoke memories not only of the events of the year, but the feelings and emotions experienced. Data analysis is conducted through the lenses of Role Theory, Holland et al.’s work with Cultural Identities in Figured Worlds, and Imposter Syndrome. The theme of isolation is prevalent throughout; recommendations to alleviate isolation are made for HTLs themselves, as well as for those who manage and train HTLs. The roles of classroom teacher and academic coach did not conflict as I had initially assumed; rather, it was a difference in my understanding of the principal’s role prescription which led me to make assumptions about my role and my performance. Further, my inability to see my role as a single figured world rather than a hybrid of the two separate worlds of classroom teaching and academic coaching, led to missed opportunities for success in all aspects of the role. In addition, my own high expectations for my performance, particularly in the teaching portion of the role, led to feelings of inadequacy which are a hallmark of Imposter Syndrome. These results suggest principals and potential HTLs should take the opportunity to discuss the role in depth during the interview process and should keep the lines of communication open to avoid disconnects between role prescriptions. Those who train HTLs should provide opportunities for HTLs to build community with one another—despite differences in school sites—to help mitigate isolation and provide assistance for those who are struggling. Hybrid Teacher Leaders should also be aware of the symptoms and effects of Imposter Syndrome and should reach out for any tool or method to communicate concerns and alleviate the isolation, which can exacerbate the problem.
