Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Name

Master of Science (M.S.)

Degree Granting Department

Graduate School

Major Professor

Alya Limayem, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Daniel Denmark, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Feng Chneg, Ph.D.


DNA sequence, multidrug resistance bacteria, single nucleotide polymorphism


The evolution of multi drug resistant (MDR) bacteria has been well documented these last decade, suggesting that resistance to antibiotics is most commonly associated to single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) mutation. To this aim, several molecular methods have been performed to elucidate SNPs in the increasing number of resistant microorganisms. Early detection of MDR bacteria has become of prime necessity in order to combat the disease and ensure public health. Therefore, this research was conducted to screen for SNP mutations correlated to drug resistance in some nosocomial MDR bacteria strains donated from Moffitt Cancer Center (MCC) hospital. Blood, stool, urine, and wound discharge samples were collected, and bacteria were isolated and identified using Illumina sequencing. Antibiotic susceptibility test was also conducted. A standardized questionnaire was also prepared for patients to gather data, which was further analyzed using SPSS version 23 software. Variations in the genes responsible for the multi drug resistance of eight Enterococcus faecium were observed. All strains were found to be multi-drug resistant especially against penicillin and daptomycin, but all were susceptible to virginiamycin M1. Dose-dependent susceptibility was observed for gentamycin, tetracycline, and linezolid. High incidence of SNPs and INDELs were also observed. This study provides information for future rapid diagnostics for multi-drug resistant bacteria.
