Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Granting Department


Major Professor

Loran Jarrett, D.B.A.

Co-Major Professor

Paul Solomon, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Jung Chul Park, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Joann Quinn, Ph.D.


Branding, Branding Value, CHAID, Quantitative


The purpose of this dissertation is to identify the linkage between the corporate brand and sales / revenue per share growth. Utilizing a unique database, the CoreBrand® Index, this study is a quantitative analysis of the interaction between the corporate brand and financial data. A relationship between corporate brand and financial data has been suspected by practitioners; however, it has never been proven. For the first time, quantitative analysis is conducted in this dissertation using this unique dataset.

This study is intended to help those responsible for managing corporate brands to better understand their impacts and benefits. The more that value creation can be understood and explained, the more likely that corporate leadership will view expenditures as investments rather than simply expenses. This study is intended to help demonstrate how corporate brands can be used to create value.

A chi-squared automatic interaction detector (CHAID) analysis was performed to predict whether a company would have high or low sales / revenue per share growth. This analysis was done on the macro and sector level with results exceeding 80% accuracy. This analysis can be used to help practitioners understand and predict the corporate brand’s impact on business results and help them justify and allocate resources to manage this asset.

This work can help corporations to justify and manage their corporate brand budgets and provide a basis for accountability. The corporate brand’s impact on sales / revenue per share is but one small piece of intangible capital that can be understood and managed. The more elements that can be uncovered and managed, the better companies can predict and plan for their financial growth and reduce the uncertainty surrounding their businesses.
