Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Granting Department

Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

Wilfrido A. Moreno, Ph.D.

Committee Member

James T. Leffew, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Miguel Labrador, Ph.D.


Wireless Sensor Network, Remote Sensing, Disaster Management, Adaptable Architecture, Motes


This research proposed the use of state-of-the-art wireless communications and networked embedded systems technologies to provide environmental sensing for the early detection of natural disasters. The data is acquired, processed and transmitted, from the location where the disaster originates, to potentially threatened conurbations in order to promptly notify the population. The acquired data is transformed from its raw form into information that can be utilized by local authorities to rapidly assess emergency situations and then to apply disaster management procedures. Alternatively, the system can generate alerting signals without human intervention. Furthermore, recorded historical data can be made available for scientists to build models, to understand and to forecast the behavior of disasterous events. An additional, important, contribution of this research was the analysis and application of Wireless Sensor Network technology for disaster monitoring and alerting.
