Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

Degree Granting Department

Child and Family Studies

Major Professor

Raymond Miltenberger, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Donald Kincaid, Ed.D.

Committee Member

Sarah Bloom, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Jose Castillo, Ph.D.


Functional Assessment, Functional Analysis, Function Based Interventions, Trial-based Functional Analysis, ABA in Schools


In 1997, Congress established the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA, 1997), which required that schools conduct functional behavior assessments when a student engages in problem behavior that may lead to suspension or expulsion (Ervin et al., 2001; Yell & Katsiyanis, 2010). As a result, research has expanded to include ways to adapt the functional assessment process in school settings. The purpose of this study was to compare the correspondence between functional analysis procedures for students in a private school and validate the assessment outcomes with interventions conducted in the classroom settings. The results indicate that both assessments corresponded in 87% of all functions identified in the study. Furthermore, the interventions yielded reductions in problem behaviors for all participants.
