Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

Degree Granting Department


Major Professor

Christopher J. McRae, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Aubrey A. Huber, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Mariaelena Bartesaghi, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Michelle Hughes-Miller, Ph.D.


Critical Communication Pedagogy, Social Drama, Performativity, Ontology, Non Human Agency, Institutional Practices


This dissertation examines how institutions generate, teach, and authorize normative performances through texts and/as pedagogical practices. Through an analysis of the University of South Florida’s mandatory reporting policy, training, and Title IX Incident Report Form, this project examines how institutions construct and privilege certain values, performances, and individuals as means of generating the legal compliance of the institution independent. These practices are valued independent of how such compliance enables and limits the relationship between students and teachers. I argue the University’s texts and pedagogical practices serve to substantiate, authorize, and perform the materialization of certain privileges and the normative standards for the performances of mandatory reporters – those specifically designated “responsible employees,” which includes graduate, teaching, and research assistants supervising or teaching possible victims. I further rely on critical communication pedagogy as a means of analyzing USF’s practices and calling for an altered pedagogy that better accounts for the subjectivity of individuals not previously recognized by/through current institutional practices. While USF’s mandatory reporting policy is merely one institutional mandate, the practices expressed and outlined in this research are indicative or the practices of institutions more broadly. Understanding those practices is essential to recognizing the ways institutional and individual actors relate and interact.
