Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Name

Master of Arts (M.A.)

Degree Granting Department

Geography, Environment and Planning

Major Professor

Dr. Steven Reader, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Dr. Elizabeth Strom, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Dr. Joni Downs, Ph.D.


Foreclosure, Geography, GIS, Housing, OLS, Regression


This study examines the spatial impact various socio-demographic and housing factors might have in the foreclosure lis pendens rate within various Hillsborough County, Florida tracts as well as comparing those results with past research. Hopefully the techniques used in this study can be implemented elsewhere in order to better study the foreclosure crisis. The methods used within this research were chosen carefully in order to best understand what is being observed. One method is OLS regression which helps see the impact of each variable and if that impact has a negative or positive effect on the rate of foreclosure. Bivariate Maps were created to spatially examine each variable when compared to the foreclosure rate as well as Effect plots from regression in order to see how the true relationship of a variable affects the foreclosure rate.
