Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Granting Department

Secondary Education

Major Professor

Denisse R. Thompson


Content Analysis, Mathematics Textbooks, Middle School, Statistical Content


Statistical Content in Middle Grades Mathematics Textbooks

Maria Consuelo (Suzie) Capiral Pickle


This study analyzed the treatment and scope of

statistical concepts in four, widely-used, contemporary, middle

grades mathematics textbook series: Glencoe Math Connects,

Prentice Hall Mathematics, Connected Mathematics Project, and

University of Chicago School Mathematics Project. There were

three phases for the data analysis. Phase 1 addressed the location

and sequence of the statistical concepts. Phase 2 focused upon an

examination of the lesson narrative, its components and scope.

Phase 3 analyzed the level of cognitive demand required of the

students to complete the exercises, and the total number of

exercises per statistical concept. These three phases taken

together provided insight into students' potential opportunity to learn

statistical topics found in middle grades mathematics textbooks.

Results showed that concepts, such as measures of central

tendency, were repeated in several grades while other topics such

as circle graphs were presented earlier than the recommendations

in documents such as the National Council of Teachers of

Mathematics Principles and Standards (2000) and the Common

Core State Standards (2010). Further results showed that most of

the statistical content was found in a chapter near the end of the

book that would likely not be covered should time run short. Also,

each textbook had a particular lesson narrative style. Moreover,

most of the statistical exercises required low level cognitive

demand of the students to complete the exercises, potentially

hindering the development of deep understanding of the concepts.
