Graduation Year


Document Type

Ed. Specalist



Degree Granting Department

Educational Measurement and Research

Major Professor

John Ferron Ph.D.

Committee Member

Kris Hogarty Ph.D

Committee Member

Jeffery Kromrey Ph.D.


Authentic Assessment, ePortfolio Initiative, Teacher Preparation, Validation



According to Wilkerson and Lang (2003, p.1) with approximately "90% of schools, colleges, and departments of education using portfolios of one form or another as decision-making tools for standards-based decisions regarding certification or licensure (as well as NCATE accreditation), it is appropriate to explore the legal and psychometric aspects of this assessment device."

This study was conducted to examine how well the authentic assessments created in the Chalk and Wire ePortfolio initiative, which was created to provide authentic assessments of the Accomplished Practices, relate to the measures in the Professional Knowledge subtests on Florida Teacher Certification Examination.

The sample was comprised of 294 graduating student teachers from a single department in the College of Education for the 2009/2010 school year at a large southern university. Multiple regression analyses were employed to examine the relationship between authentic assessments (i.e. critical tasks) in Chalk and Wire and performance on the subtests of the Professional Knowledge Test on the Florida Teacher Certification exam while controlling for gender, ethnicity and overall GPA.

Only two of the independent variables were statistically significant from the 12 models examined. The scores from the Professional Knowledge subtests on Florida Teacher Certification Examination for Diversity (AP5) and Technology (AP12) were statistically different for gender, with females scoring higher than males on both.

The results provided little evidence of concurrent validity between the authentic assessments of the Chalk and Wire ePortfolio initiative and the Professional Knowledge subtests on Florida Teacher Certification Examination.
