Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Granting Department

Child and Family Studies

Major Professor

Raymond G. Miltenberger, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Lise Fox, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Tim Weil, Ph.D.


video feed forward, peer buddy, initiating, responding, peer training


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of video self-modeling and behavior skills training to teach social skills to children with Asperger’s and high functioning autism. The targeted social skills were social initiations and social responses. The video self-modeling alone condition was implemented first using a video feedforward approach. A behavior skills training (BST) procedure was implemented following the video self-modeling alone condition for each participant. BST consisted of instructions, modeling, rehearsal, and feedback. The frequency of each target behavior was scored from videotapes using 10-second frequency within interval recording. After the video self-modeling was introduced, a mean increase was demonstrated in the target behaviors for 3 of the 4 participants. However, following the video self-modeling plus behavior skills training procedures, the social skills increased further for each participant. Follow up measures showed that the social interactions for each participant remained higher than baseline, however slightly lower than levels during BST+VSM.
