Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Granting Department

Mechanical Engineering

Major Professor

Rajiv Dubey, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Shiv-Shankar Sundaram, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Rasim Guldiken, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Phillip J. Hipol, MSM&AT


Magnetization, Static Magnetic Field, Finite Element Model, Pulsatile Blood Flow, Relaxation Time


Hemodynamic monitoring is extremely important in the accurate measurement of vital parameters. Current methods are highly invasive or noncontinuous, and require direct access to the patient’s skin. This study intends to explore the modulated magnetic signature of blood method (MMSB) to attain blood flow information. This method uses an applied magnetic field to magnetize the iron in the red blood cells and measures the disturbance to the field with a magnetic sensor [1]. Exploration will be done by experimentally studying in-vitro, as well as simulating in COMSOL the alteration of magnetic fields induced by the flow of a magnetic solution. It was found that the variation in magnetic field is due to a high magnetization of blood during slow flow and low magnetization during rapid flow. The understanding of this phenomenon can be used in order to create a portable, non-invasive, continuous, and accurate sensor to monitor the cardiovascular system.
