Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Granting Department

Measurement & Research

Major Professor

John Ferron, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Jane Applegate, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Robert Dedrick, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Liliana Rodriguez-Campos, Ph.D.


internal evaluators, education, research on evaluation, manova, survey research


This study explored the evaluation practices of internal evaluators in public school districts in a large southern state. The individuals who conduct evaluations in school districts as internal evaluators were identified and background information was collected. The education and training in evaluation was investigated and the types of evaluations typically conducted by those individuals. Respondents (n = 134) revealed conducting evaluations was a secondary role and part of their main job responsibilities. The types of evaluations carried out and the way in which evaluation was practices were revealed. A descriptive framework of the individuals who conduct evaluations in school districts and the ways those evaluations were carried out is presented. Six dimensions were used to summarize evaluation practice: Holistic, Mixed Method Decision Making, Procedures Valued, People Valued, Users Engaged/Embodied, Evaluator as Mediator. Three one-way MANOVAs were conducted to identify differences in evaluation practice. Differences in practice were found among evaluators based on the highest degree obtained, and area of highest degree held by respondents.
