Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Granting Department

Secondary Education

Major Professor

Ann E. Barron, Ed.D.

Committee Member

John M. Ferron, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Deirdre Cobb-Roberts, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Glenn G. Smith, Ph.D.


online learning, online instruction, culture, multicultural competence, designbased research


In the present study, the Cultural Adaptation Process Model was applied to an online module to include adaptations responsive to the online students’ culturallyinfluenced learning styles and preferences. The purpose was to provide the online learners with a variety of course material presentations, where the e-learners had the opportunity to select their preferred structure for learning. The research methodology for the study is Design-Based Research (DBR), which has been identified by many prominent researchers in Instructional Technology as the most productive research approach for the field. DBR integrates different data types and data collection methods (quantitative, qualitative, and mixed) with experience in instructional development and the participants’ collaboration. The study produced design principles that are expected to be useful for practitioners when adapting online courses to multicultural audiences. To provide thorough information to instructional designers, the research report includes a detailed description of each phase, an estimate of hours invested per development and testing stages, a list of outcomes found, and a set of recommendations for improving the cultural adaptation model applied. The study is expected to be valuable for educational institutions and corporations that offer online courses to multicultural groups of e-learners.
