Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Granting Department

Psychological and Social Foundations

Major Professor

Herbert A. Exum, Ph.D.

Co-Major Professor

Wilma J. Henry, Ed.D.

Committee Member

Carlos Zalaquett, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Barbara Shircliffe, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Rosemary Closson, Ph.D.


Qualitative, Hispanic, female, college, graduate, student


Research indicates that the Latina/o population is growing in the United States, and more Latina/os are attending college, many do not continue their education beyond the undergraduate level, much less beyond the Master's level. Latinas in particular continue to be underrepresented in professional roles due to the small number of Latinas who obtain doctoral degrees. Although many Latinas do not continue their education or drop-out throughout their graduate schooling, some Latinas do thrive forward and are academically successful. This study aimed at identifying elements that fostered resiliency in academically successful Latina doctoral students, as well as identifying challenges or barriers that some Latinas experience. Findings indicate some support for Bernard's resiliency theory, while also providing implications for advocacy for Latina doctoral students.
