"Teaching strategies of successful college trombone professors for unde" by Matthew T. Buckmaster

Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Granting Department

Music Education

Major Professor

C. Victor Fung, Ph.D.


music, Pedagogy, Music education, Low brass, Applied music, Commonalities


This study identified teaching strategies of successful trombone professors for undergraduate trombone students. Participants were three professors at accredited colleges in the United States who had received international awards in the field of trombone pedagogy. A comprehensive interview instrument was administered to each participant in a multiple case studies research design. From the gathered data, a classical content analysis revealed 79 emergent themes from 375 coded passages, with 45 of the emergent themes being commonalities among the three participants. In addition to specific teaching strategies, three meta-themes emerged from an examination of these commonalities: Product Over Process, Individualized Teaching Approaches, and Raising Student Awareness of Issues. A teaching model of the three professors is presented based upon these meta-themes, and findings and implications of the research are discussed.
