Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Name

Master of Science (M.S.)

Degree Granting Department


Major Professor

Robert D. Frisina, Ph.D.

Co-Major Professor

Venkat R. Bhethanabotla, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Parveen Bazard, Ph.D.


Electrophysiology, Hybrid Stimulation, Joule Heating, Neuromodulation, Thermal Stimulation


Electrical stimulation is the basis of many biomedical devices like cochlear implants,pacemakers, and retinal implants. In these systems, current is applied to a desired tissue to effectively stimulate it. Unfortunately, this is not localized as the current will spread through the tissue, limiting the spatial resolution. Thus, alternative forms of stimulation are needed to improve device precision and resolution. This project explores microheaters as a stimulation platform that can be easily integrated with existing biomedical devices. Microheaters produce heat via the Joule heating effect wherein electrical current is run through high resistance materials to output thermal energy. They are highly localized as heat doesn’t spread like electrical currents, allowing the stimulated area to be precisely controlled. Also, they can be used in a hybrid stimulation system with traditional electrical current to reduce current spread while maintaining cell integrity. Overall, this project could greatly improve the resolution of biomedical devices, aiding the patients who rely on such equipment.
