Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Name

Master of Arts (M.A.)

Degree Granting Department


Major Professor

Will Tyson, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Frank Biafora, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Jennifer Friedman, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Jamie Sommer, Ph.D.


Education, Non-profit, Socioeconomic Status


Quality early childhood education is acknowledged as a crucial factor in paving the way for academic success and societal contribution. Childhood experiences greatly influence individual life trajectories, significantly shaping future endeavors. This research delves into the intricate dynamics between socioeconomic status (SES), educational outcomes, and non-profit organizations, emphasizing the challenges faced by students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. While factors such as limited resources, financial constraints, and substandard living conditions have been linked to negative consequences on educational attainment, this research seeks to understand the specific role of non-profits in enhancing educational opportunities. By shedding light on collaborative efforts between local non-profits and communities, the study aims to distinguish how these organizations navigate challenges and work towards providing improved educational prospects for students facing socioeconomic disparities.

Recognizing the complexities associated with youth adversity and investing in early youth development are vital steps toward cultivating a more equitable and prosperous society for the future.

The research traces the evolution of the modern educational system, highlighting its transformative impact on American society, where non-profit organizations emerge as key players in addressing these challenges, providing funding and additional assistance where traditional educational institutions fall short.

Through qualitative research methods, utilizing observation and ethnographic work, the research aims to gain valuable insights into these organizations' founding, values, missions, and evolution, shedding light on their transformative impact on the educational landscape. Themes will be organized to provide a comprehensive understanding, exploring barriers such as teacher resistance and funding constraints and highlighting benefits through narratives from those involved in non-profit initiatives. This approach aims to provide a rich and contextual understanding of educational challenges and the transformative role of non-profit organizations in shaping a more equitable future.

Despite increased access to education, challenges persist within lower-income communities, contributing to educational disparities. The central question posed by this research is: "How do non-profit organizations contribute to overcoming educational challenges faced by low-income communities?" The study, therefore, offers an extensive exploration of the multifaceted relationship between socioeconomic status, non-profit organizations, and the unforeseen opportunities that arise in the pursuit of understanding and addressing educational challenges in low-income communities.

Included in

Sociology Commons
