Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Name

Master of Arts (M.A.)

Degree Granting Department

Religious Studies

Major Professor

Tori C. Lockler, Ph.D.

Committee Member

William Shanbacher, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Garrett Potts, Ph.D.


Genocide, Interview, Jewish, Memory


Apertures in recollections studies the interview process used with Holocaust survivors as a method of assisting them in filling the gaps in their memories. Holocaust survivors were subjected to life altering experiences that have caused holes in the memories they share with us. In this thesis I go over the efficacy of multiple session interviewing to enhance a trauma survivors’ memory of events. The methodology of Dori Laub and Henry Greenspan is used to enhance the way I witnessed a personal experience while transcribing Helen Kahan’s interview for The Florida Holocaust Museum’s Dimensions in Testimony exhibit. Using these perspectives I determine that Greenspan’s method is superior in addressing the dissociative amnesia amongst the population of Holocaust survivors and creates the space for them to be able to fill in the gaps in the memory of their experience post Holocaust.

Included in

Religion Commons
