Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

Degree Granting Department

Special Education

Major Professor

David Allsopp, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Ann M. Cranston-Gingras, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Nayef Alzaraa, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Sanghoon Park, Ph.D.


Learning disabilities in Saudi Arabia, Assistive technology, Curriculum of learning disabilities, International Standards, Learning disabilities in-service teachers’ perceptions


The aim of this study is to explore the teachers’ perceptions of integrating assistivetechnology into the curriculum for students with learning disabilities in Saudi Arabia. It is known that teaching students with learning disabilities had been one of the significant difficulties in the past and nowadays. Therefore, integrating assistive technology into the educational process would make it easier for the teachers of students with learning disabilities to teach these students through the use of integrating assistive technology. The use of such assistive technologies will be beneficial for learning disabilities students as well. The main question guiding this research is: What are the perceptions of in-service Learning disabilities teachers in Saudi Arabia about integrating assistive technology into the curriculum for students with LD? Past research has been done to show that the teachers’ perceptions of using different methods for educating are acceptable and are helping in guaranteeing that teachers of students with learning disabilities can learn the best ways to teach students with disabilities. One of the encouraging teaching techniques is using assistive technology into the curriculum of learning disabilities (NabaviPelesarael et al, 2018).

This study has adapted a qualitative interview research design to understand the perceptions of seven female in-service teachers of students with learning disabilities in Saudi Arabia regarding of integrating assistive technology. After analyzing data from seven elementary special education teachers, several key themes were uncovered.
