Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

Degree Granting Department

Curriculum and Instruction

Major Professor

Nathaniel von der Embse, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Jose Castillo, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Robert Dedrick, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Kristin Kosyluk, Ph.D.


Professional learning, Program development, Pilot study, Stigma, Bias


This study aimed to examine the initial pre-service teacher outcomes for a newly developed mental health training (i.e., Training In Mental health for Educators - Pre-service Teachers [TIME-PT]). For the development of the TIME-PT, an expert panel and a focus group with pre-service teachers were conducted to inform of any changes and improvements needed in the content of the training. In the initial evaluation of the TIME-PT, the training’s factors of professional development were considered, including the training’s understanding and feasibility, participants’ willingness to change, their use of school-family collaboration, and their use of external supports. Initial evaluations of participants’ knowledge, attitudes, and aspirations were examined for the initial preparedness of pre-service teachers to provide future mental health support. Additionally, this study aimed to initially evaluate differences in pre-service teachers’ mental health stigma and biases. The author conducted a focus group with two pre-service teachers and a pilot study of 27 pre-service teachers in a southeastern state of the United States. A repeated measures ANOVA, independent t-tests, correlational analyses, and thematic analyses were conducted on the initial applicability and mental health educator outcomes. Overall, pre- service teachers identified the need for mental health trainings to understand their role and how to support student’s mental health. Pre-service teachers had slight agreement to agreement of the understanding of the mental health support approach, feasibility to provide the approach, willingness to change their practices, and desire to participate in home-school collaboration and external supports. Most pre-service teachers had not previously received any mental health trainings in their teacher preparation program. While pre-service teachers’ mental health stigma and bias improved, participants described needing more application in incorporating de-stigma and de-bias strategies in practice.

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