Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Name

Master of Arts (M.A.)

Degree Granting Department


Major Professor

Laurel Graham, Ph.D.

Committee Member

S.L. Crawley, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Melissa Sloan, Ph.D.


authenticity, gender, masculinity, Reddit, trans men


In this thesis, I explore the potential of online communities in negotiating alternative forms of “doing” masculinity. I focus on the /r/bropill which is hosted on Reddit – home to thousands of active discussion forums called subreddits. I argue that the members of /r/bropill subreddit are attempting to redefine what it means to live your life not only as a man but as a “good man.” Using a purposive sample, I analyzed 24 discussions which totaled 1325 posts (n = 1325). I conducted a qualitative textual analysis of the original posts and comments inspired by grounded theory. My findings reveal the struggles that many of the posters—a large proportion of them identifying as trans men—feel that they are failing at signifying masculine selves. Many of the commenters reject gender conformity and an essentialized notion of masculinity and manhood, utilizing the “logics of neoliberalism” (Rose 1996) such as freedom and autonomy to encourage other men to negotiate their individualized hybrid masculinities that are based on a ‘true’ and ‘authentic’ self. Additionally, my project reveals how men signify masculine selves through being principled, and practicing good and moral conduct to live as “good men.” I end this thesis by discussing this subreddit's positive implications in helping expand gender categories. Despite being well-intentioned in their goals, members of the /r/bropill subreddit seem to inadvertently perpetuate forms of cis privilege that overlook differences and the experiences of trans men.
