"Synthetic Studies of Potential New Ketogenic Molecules" by Mohammad Nazmus Sakib

Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

Degree Granting Department


Major Professor

Edward Turos, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Kirpal Bisht, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Jianfeng Cai, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Dominic D’Agostino, Ph.D.


Ketogenic, ketone bodies, ketosis, ester, polyol, acetoacetate, medium chain, enzyme, O-acylated, hydrolysis


The ketogenic diet has gained popularity in the past few decades among people and physicians due to its various health benefits. A significant amount of research has been done for the modification of the original ketogenic diet and investigation of its potential health benefits. However, synthesis of novel ketogenic compounds as a dietary supplement has not received the same level of attention. That is the primary objective of this research project. The first chapter of this manuscript describes the synthesis of various short and medium chain esters of different polyols that have been done so far, and areas of their uses considering these molecules are the most significant candidates for identifying novel ketogenic compounds. The second chapter discusses biochemistry of the ketogenic diet, synthesis and characterization of a series of molecules with an aim for their potential use as a ketogenic supplement. The third chapter discusses the synthesized compounds’ stability in different chemical environments, their enzymatic hydrolysis activity which mimics that likely to occur in the human body and finally testing of these compounds in animal models to examine their potential ketogenicity.

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Chemistry Commons
