Graduation Year


Document Type




Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)

Degree Granting Department

Language, Literacy, ED.D., Exceptional Education, and Physical Education

Major Professor

Veselina Lambrev, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Bárbara Cruz, Ed.D.

Committee Member

Jennifer Wolgemuth, Ph.D.

Committee Member

Sarah Kiefer, Ph.D.


Class Positions, Identity, Nigeria, Primary Education, Secondary Education


Class ranking remains a prevalent practice in Nigerian primary and secondary schools, yet research has not explored how Nigerian students perceive and experience this practice. This study sought to address this gap in the literature by delving into four Nigerian primary and secondary school alumni’s experiences and perceptions of the class ranking practice. Through their unique stories, this narrative inquiry study sheds light on the extent to which class ranking has impacted them. The findings of this study revealed that class ranking had a profound influence on the participants, both within and beyond the classroom setting. It shaped their self-perception, influenced their approach to learning, affected their interactions with parents, teachers, and peers and had implications for their academic and personal adjustments. These insights provide a valuable understanding of the potential consequences of the use of class ranking in Nigerian primary and secondary schools..

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