Document Type

Technical Report

Publication Date



equity, education, transportation, urban planning


Transportation is needed to access jobs, food, health care, recreational and open spaces, and other important services and destinations. Equity in transportation planning helps to ensure equal access to affordable and reliable transportation, as well as fairness in the distribution of its benefits and burdens. Without inclusive processes, transportation planning can overlook the needs of and negatively impact low-income communities, minorities, persons with disabilities, older adults, children, and other traditionally underserved populations.

Many agencies and communities across the nation are seeking to address equity concerns and encourage livability, economic growth, and active transportation. Planning and transportation professionals must understand how to successfully plan for equity by identifying and addressing a broad range of transportation needs. It is also important that transportation professionals have a clear understanding of their roles as advocates for and partners with disadvantaged communities.

This curriculum will provide emerging professionals with the training and tools needed to successfully integrate equity into transportation decision-making processes. Students taking the course will gain an appreciation for the historic impetus to consider equity and a deeper understanding of related concepts, including accessibility, mobility, affordability, and sustainability. Beyond this foundational knowledge, emerging professionals will acquire skills that can be put into practice and propel equity to the forefront of the transportation planning profession. This curriculum will provide those emerging professionals with the foundation and tools needed to successfully advance equity in transportation decision-making for years to come. This report contains the modules, activities, and other relevant information that may be added to existing course materials through a plug-and-play approach or for a full course on transportation equity.

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2 Transportation Equity Curriculum Applied Learning Workbook.pdf (5441 kB)
Transportation Equity Curriculum Applied Learning Workbook

3 CTEDD_PolicyBrief_Equity Curriculum and Workbook 2022.pdf (270 kB)
Policy Brief: Equity Curriculum and Workbook 2022

4 Module 1 History and Theory of Transportation Equity.pptx (5387 kB)
History and Theory of Transportation Equity

5 Module 2 Identifying Underserved Communities and their Needs.pptx (5898 kB)
Identifying Underserved Communities and their Needs

6 Module 3 Equity in Travel Analysis.pptx (954 kB)
Equity in Travel Analysis

7 Module 4 Involving Underserved Communties.pptx (50835 kB)
Involving Underserved Communities

8 Module 5 Evaluating Plans and Projects.pptx (2095 kB)
Evaluating Plans and Projects

9 Module 6 Access to Opportunity.pptx (4278 kB)
Access to Opportunity

10 Module 7 Equity of Emerging Modes.pptx (3114 kB)
Equity of Emerging Modes

11 Module 8 Transportation, Public Health, and Equity.pptx (15979 kB)
Transportation, Public Health, and Equity

12 Module 9 Equity in Transportation Funding.pptx (2778 kB)
Equity in Transportation Funding

13 (30237 kB)
Data Identifying Transit Underserved Areas

14 (47485 kB)
Data Calculating Job Accessibility

15 (237060 kB)
Data Evaluating Pedestrian Safety
