Document Type
Technical Report
Publication Date
Environmental Equity, Environmental Justice, Equity Evaluation Techniques
This research demonstrates how the use of geographic information systems and other study methods can assist in identifying potential adverse impacts of transit programs and activities on minority and low-income populations. A process or examining the relationship between transit facilities and mobile pollutant sources. demographic characteristics, and land use patterns is provided to assist transportation professionals in identifying the location of minority and low-income populations and the potential for adverse impacts on their health and quality of life. Remediation alternatives are also presented.
Citation / Publisher Attribution
Methods for Examining Environmental Equity Issues in Public Transportation, Center for Urban Transportation Research, University of South Florida, 56 p.
Scholar Commons Citation
Staes, Lisa; Hill, Eric T.; and Ward, Beverly, "Methods for Examining Environmental Equity Issues in Public Transportation" (1999). CUTR Research Reports. 303.