Document Type

Technical Report

Publication Date



Reduce Vehicle Miles and Trips, Travel Diaries, Trip Chaining


This project was designed to implement a new application to help reduce total vehicle trips and vehicle miles of travel by encouraging the use of trip-chaining and substitution for all types of trips. CUTR provided employees of a local YMCA with travel diaries and implemented a three-stage research design. 75 Individuals In 39 households participated. An analysis of covariance was conducted on the average contributed vehicle miles of travel and contributed vehicle trips, using the second week's results as the dependent variable. The provision of suggestions had a statistically significant effect on vehicle miles and trips contributed. Overall, this experiment showed that the provision of travel information will reduce vehicle miles of travel. Further research should be conducted to indicate the extent to which such information needs to be customized.

Citation / Publisher Attribution

Reducing Vehicle Trips and Vehicle Miles of Travel through Customized Travel Options, Center for Urban Transportation Research, University of South Florida, 48 p.
