Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



African-Americans, minorities, public transportation


These proceedings provide a summary of the activities undertaken by the Center for Urban Transportation Research et alia to convene the third symposium on African-American mobility issues and serve as the final report.

African-Americans comprise a significant portion of transit ridership; however, a comparable representation does not exist at the decisionmaking and planning levels. (Emphasis is placed on the transit industry as African-Americans, particularly African-American women, are the primary users of transit. Low-income and minority communities also may be uniquely affected by other modes of transportation.) Although significant improvements have occurred in recent years, the need to examine the issues and concerns of protected classes continues to exist. The Center for Urban Transportation Research developed the African-American Mobility Symposium to provide a forum to allow the exchange of ideas, information, and for the discussion of transportation planning, programming, and policy issues as they relate to the African-American population.

The Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR), with the Florida Department of Transportation, convened its first national symposium on African-American mobility issues in March 1994. In 1995, with the support of the Conference of Minority Transportation Officials and Federal Highway Administration, CUTR convened the second symposium. Building on the discussions and experiences from previous events, the third symposium continued the objective of inclusion of transportation issues as related to the African-American community. The symposium held particular significance in light of events in the transportation industry: the scheduled reauthorization of the federal transportation bill and the 1995 case of Adarand Construction, Inc. v. Pena. These events were thought to have significant impacts on minority users of transportation systems, minority workers in the industry, and transportation business enterprises.

Citation / Publisher Attribution

Beyond the Horizon: Proceedings of Symposium Ill on African-American Mobility Issues, National Technical Information Service (NTIS), 73 p.
