CUTR Faculty Journal Publications | CUTR Publications | University of South Florida


Submissions from 2018


Driver Behavior Formulation in Intersection Dilemma Zones with Phone Use Distraction via a Logit-Bayesian Network Hybrid Approach, Cong Chen, Yanyan Chen, Jianming Ma, Guohui Zhang, and C. Michael Walton


Extracting Arterial Access Density Impacts on Safety Performance Based on Clustering and Computational Analysis, Cong Chen, Qiong Wu, Guohui Zhang, Xiaoyue Cathy Liu, and Panos D. Prevedouros


Analysis on the Influence Factors of Accident Severity: Evidence from Urban River-Crossing Tunnels in Shanghai of China, Wan He, Zhuoye Zhang, Linjun Lu, and Zhenyu Wang


Freeway Safety Evaluation: A Quantitative Approach Using Highway Safety Manual to Informed Decisions, Mouyid B. Islam, Dante Perez-Bravo, and Kim Kolody Silverman


Investigating Driver Compliance with Pedestrian Features at Signalized Intersections: SHRP 2 Naturalistic Driving Study Data Analysis, Pei-Sung Lin, Cong Chen, Achilleas Kourtellis, Zhenyu Wang, Rui Guo, and Zhao Zhang


Assessment of Countermeasure Effectiveness and Informativeness in Mitigating Wrong-Way Entries Onto Limited-Access Facilities, Pei-Sung Lin, Seckin Ozkul, Rui Guo, and Cong Chen


Examining Driver Injury Severity in Intersection-Related Crashes Using Cluster Analysis and Hierarchical Bayesian Models, Zhenning Li, Cong Chen, Yusheng Ci, Guohui Zhang, Qiong Wu, Cathy Liu, and Zhen Qian


Exploring Driver Injury Severity Patterns and Causes in Low Visibility Related Single-Vehicle Crashes Using a Finite Mixture Random Parameters Model, Zhenning Li, Cong Chen, Qiong Wu, Guohui Zhang, Cathy Liu, Panos D. Prevedouros, and David T. Ma


A Matched Case-Control Study on Single-Motorcycle Crashes on Rural, Two-Lane, Undivided Horizontal Curves in Florida, Chunfu Xin, Zhenyu Wang, Chanyoung Lee, Pei-Sung Lin, Tao Chen, Guo Rui, and Qing Lu


Exploring the Impacts of Street Illuminance on Nighttime Crash Severity in Roadway Segments Using a Random Parameter Ordered Probit Model, Chunfu Xin, Zhenyu Wang, Pei-Sung Lin, Bomin Koh, Ping P. Hsu, Edith Wong, and Tao Chen


Exploring Safety Impacts of the Number and Arrangement of Lanes on Freeway Entrance Ramps, Guoqiang Zhang and Zhenyu Wang


A Kinect-Based Approach for 3D Pavement Surface Reconstruction and Cracking Recognition, Yuming Zhang, Cong Chen, Qiong Wu, Qi Lu, Su Zhang, Guohui Zhang, and Yin Yang

Submissions from 2017


Improvement Assessment of Bus Serviceability by Proposing Route Revision, Shahrzad Ainkeshavarzi and Hamed Soleimani


Mixed Effects Logistic Model to Address Demographics and Neighborhood Environment on Pedestrian Injury Severity, Rui Guo, Chunfu Xin, Pei-Sung Lin, and Achilleas Kourtellis


An Exploratory Analysis on Fatalities of Roadway Departure Crashes, Mouyid B. Islam


Performance-based Assessment to Transportation Safety Planning for Metropolitan Travel Improvement Study, Mouyid B. Islam, Dante Perez-Bravo, and Kimberly Kolody Silverman


Evaluation of red RRFB Implementation at Freeway Off-Ramps and Its Effectiveness on Alleviating Wrong-Way Driving, Seckin Ozkul and Pei-Sung Lin


Guidance in Logistics Investments Through Logistics Activity Center Development Potential Analysis, Zhenyu Wang, Abdul R. Pinjari, Donna Davis, Kaustav Chaudhury, and Seckin Ozkul


Exploring Factors Contributing to Lane Changes during Left Turns on Quadruple Left-Turn Lanes at Signalized Intersections, Fulu Wei, Zhenyu Wang, and Jian Lu


The Effects of Neighbourhood Characteristics and the Built Environment on Pedestrian Injury Severity: A Random Parameters Generalized Ordered Probability Model with Heterogeneity in Means and Variances, Chunfu Xin, Rui Guo, Zhenyu Wang, Qing Lu, and Pei-Sung Lin


Modeling Safety Effects of Horizontal Curve Design on Injury Severity of Single-Motorcycle Crashes with Mixed-Effects Logistic Model, Chunfu Xin, Zhenyu Wang, Chanyoung Lee, and Pei-Sung Lin


Safety Effects of Horizontal Curve Design on Motorcycle Crash Frequency on Rural, Two-Lane, Undivided Highways in Florida, Chunfu Xin; Zhenyu Wang; Pei-Sung Lin; Chanyoung Lee Ph.D., AICP, PTP; and Rui Guo

Submissions from 2016


Driver Injury Severity Outcome Analysis in Rural Interstate Highway Crashes: a Two-Level Bayesian Logistic Regression Interpretation, Cong Chen, Guohui Zhang, Xiaoyue Cathy Liu, Yusheng Ci, Helai Huang, Jianming Ma, Yanyan Chen, and Hongzhi Guan


Examining Driver Injury Severity Outcomes in Rural Non-Interstate Roadway Crashes Using a Hierarchical Ordered Logit Model, Cong Chen, Guohui Zhang, Helai Huang, Jiangfeng Wang, and Rafiqul Tarefder

Big Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery for Smart City Development Enhancement, Cong Chen, Guohui Zhang, Xiaolei Ma, and Yinhai Wang


Investigating Driver Injury Severity Patterns in Rollover Crashes Using Support Vector Machine Models, Cong Chen, Guohui Zhang, Zhen Qian, Rafiqul Tarefder, and Zong Tian


An Explanatory Analysis of Driver Injury Severity in Rear-End Crashes Using a Decision Table/Naïve Bayes (Dtnb) Hybrid Classifier, Cong Chen, Guohui Zhang, Jinfu Yang, John C. Milton, and Adélamar Alcántara


Landscaping of Highway Medians and Roadway Safety at Unsignalized Intersections, Hongyun Chen, Aldo Fabregas, and Pei-Sung Lin


Fatality Rates for Crashes Involving Heavy Vehicles on Highways: A Random Parameter Tobit Regression Approach, Mouyid B. Islam and Salvador Hernandez


Danger Alert: Mitigating Wrong-Way Driving through Red RRFB Implementation, Pei-Sung Lin and Seckin Ozkul


Evaluation on the Perceived Effectiveness of Red RRFB Configurations to Reduce Wrong-Way Driving, Pei-Sung Lin, Seckin Ozkul, and Chester Chandler III


Impact of Connected Vehicles and Autonomous Vehicles on Future Transportation, Pei-Sung Lin, Zhenyu Wang, and Rui Guo


A Pilot Study on Interactions between Drivers and Pedestrian Features at Signalized Intersections-Using the SHRP2 Naturalistic Driving Study Data, Pei-Sung Lin, Zhenyu Wang, Rui Guo, and Achilleas Kourtellis


Safety Effects of Street Illuminance on Roadway Segments in Florida, Zhenyu Wang, Pei-Sung Lin, Yu Chen, Ping P. Hsu, Seckin Ozkul, and Michael Bato


Safety Effects of Street Illuminance at Urban Signalized Intersections in Florida, Fulu Wei, Zhenyu Wang, Pei-Sung Lin, Ping P. Hsu, Seckin Ozkul, Jason Jackman, and Michael Bato


Heterogeneous Impacts of Gender-Interpreted Contributing Factors on Driver Injury Severities in Single-Vehicle Rollover Crashes, Qiong Wu, Guohui Zhang, Cong Chen, Rafiqul Tarefder, Haizhong Wang, and Heng Wei


Modeling Random Effects of Horizontal Curve Design on Injury Severity of Single-Motorcycle Crashes Using Mixed-Effects Logistic Model, Chunfu Xin, Zhenyu Wang, Chanyoung Lee, and Pei-Sung Lin

Submissions from 2015


A Multinomial Logit Model-Bayesian Network Hybrid Approach for Driver Injury Severity Analyses in Rear-End Crashes, Cong Chen, Guohui Zhang, Rafiqul Tarefder, Jianming Ma, Heng Wei, and Hongzhi Guan


Hierarchical Bayesian Random Intercept Model-Based Cross-Level Interaction Decomposition for Truck Driver Injury Severity Investigations, Cong Chen, Guohui Zhang, Zong Tian, Susan M. Bogus, and Yin Yang


Bayesian Network-Based Formulation and Analysis for Toll Road Utilization Supported by Traffic Information Provision, Cong Chen, Guohui Zhang, Hua Wang, Jinfu Yang, Peter J. Jin, and C. Michael Walton


Verification of Trip Generation and Trip Internalization Estimation Procedures for Mixed-Use Developments, Aldo Fabregas, Pei-Sung Lin, Vivek Koneru, Brian S. Bochner, Karen Seggerman, and Abdul Rawoof Pinjari


An Analysis of Injury Outcomes of Crashes Involving Large Trucks by Time of Day in Urban Areas in Texas, Salvador Hernandez and Mouyid B. Islam


Multi-Vehicle Crashes Involving Large Trucks: A Random Parameter Discrete Outcome Modeling Approach, Mouyid B. Islam


Do as I Say, Not as I Do: Observed Compliance Versus Stated Understanding of Pedestrian Crossing Laws, Achilleas Kourtellis, Lucas Cruse, and Pei-Sung Lin


Understanding Interactions between Drivers and Pedestrian Features at Signalized Intersections, Pei-Sung Lin, Achilleas Kourtellis, Zhenyu Wang, and Rui Guo


Understanding of Safety Impact and Potential Causes of Distracted Walking and Biking, Pei-Sung Lin, Achilleas Kourtellis, and Yu Zhang

Freight Mobility: Success Factors for Logistics Activity Center (LAC) Growth, N. Menon, Seckin Ozkul, and A. R. Pinjari


Updated Commercial Truck Speed Versus Distance–Grade Curves for the Highway Capacity Manual, Seckin Ozkul and Scott S. Washburn


Study on Lane Changes During Left Turns on Quadruple Left-Turn Lanes at Signalized Intersections in China, Fulu Wei, Zhenyu Wang, Zhaowei Qu, Jian Lu, and Pei-Sung Lin


Extracting Pavement Surface Distress Conditions Based on High Spatial Resolution Multispectral Digital Aerial Photography, Su Zhang, Susan M. Bogus, Christopher D. Lippitt, Paul R. H. Neville, Guohui Zhang, Cong Chen, and Vanessa Valentin

Submissions from 2014


Challenges and Advances in Sustainable Transportation Systems, Yong Bai, Xiuli Du, Pei-Sung Lin, Wei-Chu Virgil Ping, and Yilei Huang


Discovering Temporal and Spatial Patterns and Characteristics of Pavement Distress Condition Data on Major Corridors in New Mexico, Cong Chen, Su Zhang, Guohui Zhang, Susan M. Bogus, and Vanessa Valentin


Investigation Motorcycle Safety at Exit Ramp Sections by Analyzing Historical Crash Data and Rider’s Perception, Hongyun Chen; Chanyoung Lee Ph.D., AICP, PTP; and Pei-Sung Lin


Freeway Deceleration Lane Lengths Effects on Traffic Safety and Operation, Hongyun Chen, Huaguo Zhou, and Pei-Sung Lin


Assessment of Pre-Preemption Strategy of Traffic Signals near Railroad Grade Crossing Utilizing Simulation Analysis, Xuanwu Chen, Yan Xiao, Mohammed Hadi, Melissa Ackert, and Pei-Sung Lin


Decentralized Adaptive Fuzzy Control for a Class of Large-Scale Mimo Nonlinear Systems with Strong Interconnection and Its Application to Automated Highway Systems, Yi-Shao Huang and Zhenyu Wang


Embedded System Design of an Advanced Illumination Measurement System for Highways, Mathew Johnson, Aldo Fabregas, Zhenyu Wang, Srinivas Katkoori, and Pei-Sung Lin


Development of Resource Allocation Strategies for Operating and Maintaining Traffic Signal Systems, Pei-Sung Lin, Aldo Fabregas, and Hongyun Chen


Planning and Design for Prevention of Incorrect Turns onto Highway-Rail Grade Crossings, Pei-Sung Lin, Aldo Fabregas, Achilleas Kourtellis, Edgar Bryant, and Sherrell Lall


Coordinated Pre-Preemption of Traffic Signals to Enhance Railroad Grade Crossing Safety in Urban Areas and Estimation of Train Impacts to Arterial Travel Time Delay, Pei-Sung Lin, Zhenyu Wang, Qing Wang, and Rui Guo


Exploring the Impact of Access Designs on Crash Injury Severity on Multilane Highways, Zhenyu Wang, Bing Huang, Jian Lu, Jianyou Zhao, and Yu Zhang


Modeling Injury Severity of Single-Motorcycle Crashes on Curved Roadway Segments, Zhenyu Wang, Chanyoung Lee, and Pei-Sung Lin


Reducing Traffic Crashes through a Short-Term and Long-Term Safety Improvement Program: A Case Example in Florida, Huaguo Zhou, Jiquang Zhao, Pei-Sung Lin, and Peter Hsu

Submissions from 2012


Hazard-Based Analysis of Travel Distance in Urban Environments: Longitudinal Data Approach, Panagiotis Ch. Anastasopoulos, Mouyid B. Islam, Dionysia Perperidou, and Matthew G. Karlaftis


Factors Affecting Highway Safety, Health Care Services, and Motorization—An Exploratory Empirical Analysis using Aggregate Data, Ahmed Anwaar, Panagiotis Anastasopoulos, Ghim P. Ong, Samuel Labi, and Mouyid B. Islam


Selecting Optimal Deceleration-Lane Lengths at Freeway Diverge Areas Combining Safety and Operational Effects, Hongyun Chen, Huaguo Zhou, and Pei-Sung Lin


Apg-Tr Algorithm of Moving Vehicle Detection, Tao Chen, Hua-Chun Tan, Guang-Dong Feng, Zhenyu Wang, and Lang Wei


Modeling Speed Profile on Freeway Exit Ramps Using Support Vector Regression, Bing Huang, Zhenyu Wang, Jian J. Lu, and Linjun Lu


Multi-vehicle Collisions involving Large Trucks on Highways: An Exploratory Discrete Outcome Analysis, Mouyid B. Islam and Salvador Hernandez


Assessing the Impact of Proposed Transit Investments and Public Policy Choices on Land Use Patterns (A Simulation Approach with UrbanSim), Chanyoung Lee and Zhenyu Wang


Cost Benefit Analysis of Freeway Service Patrol Programs: A Case Study in Florida, Pei-Sung Lin, Aldo Fabregas, and Hongyun Chen


The Timing to Retime and Maintain Traffic Signal Systems, Pei-Sung Lin, Aldo Fabregas, and Hongyun Chen


Assessment of a Flashing Yellow Arrow Signal Implementation Using Gap Acceptance Measures, Pei-Sung Lin, Aldo Fabregas, and Enrique Gonzalez-Velez


Evaluation on the Effectiveness of Sideview Video Systems to Reduce Transit Bus Side Crashes, Pei-Sung Lin; Achilleas Kourtellis; and Chanyoung Lee Ph.D., AICP, PTP


Modeling Impacts of Access Designs on Injury Severity at Midblock Segments of Urban Multilane Highways Using Heterogeneous Choice Regression, Zhenyu Wang, Bing Huang, Jian J. Lu, Jianyou Zhao, Lei Zhang, and Linjun Lu


Development of a Procedure for Prioritizing Intersection Improvement Projects Considering Safety and Operational Factors, Zhenyu Wang, Zhao Zhang, Jian J. Lu, and Jianyou Zhao

Submissions from 2011


Road Fatalities, Health Service Quality, and Motorization Level: Empirical Analysis Using Aggregate Country-Level Data, Anwaar Ahmed, Panagiotis Anastasopoulos, Mouyid B. Islam, and Samuel Labi


Comparative Evaluation of Public-Private Partnerships in Roadway Preservation, Panagiotis Anastasopoulos, Mouyid B. Islam, Matthew Volovski, Jarrett Powell, and Samuel Labi


Safety and Operational Assessment of Yield-to-Bus Electronic Warning Signs on Transit Buses, Aldo Fabregas, Pei-Sung Lin, Enrique Gonzalez-Velez, Amy Datz, and Huaguo Zhou


Safety and Operational Assessment of Yield-to-Bus LED Warning Signs on Transit Buses, Aldo Fabregas, Pei-Sung Lin, Enrique Gonzalez-Velez, Huaguo Zhou, and Amy Datz


Identifying Crash Distributions and Prone Locations by Lane Groups at Freeway Diverging Areas, Chen Hongyun and Zhang Yu


An Empirical Analysis of Fatality Rates for Large Truck–involved Crashes on Interstate Highways, Mouyid B. Islam and Salvador Hernandez


Evaluation of Camera-Based Systems to Reduce Bus Side Collisions, Achilleas Kourtellis, Pei-Sung Lin, and Chanyoung Lee