Creekshed Collection

Creekshed Collection

#Creekshed examines the human and natural stories about waters that drain into Tampa Bay. The project's principal authors Thomas Hallock (USF) and Amanda Hagood (Eckerd College) use narrative to better understand headwaters--broadly defined. We want to know when a creek becomes a culvert or ditch; the lost or misremembered histories behind active or buried springs; the relationship between water quality and social health; and the boundaries between built and natural environments, for even the smallest aquatic systems feeding Tampa Bay and the Gulf of Mexico.

#Creekshed partners include Creative Loafing Tampa Bay, Eckerd College, the University of South Florida Libraries(Tampa). There is also an ArcGIS StoryMap of the project. Check out this video about the project. Do you have a #Creekshed story to share?


Browse the Creekshed Collection:

#Creekshed: Creekshed Narratives

Creekshed Waterways Datasets

Creekshed Waterways Image Collection