Culture, Community, and Health [Monteverde Institute]

Alternative Title

Percepciones de los jóvenes de Monteverde (14-18 años) a favor y en contra de la publicidad del tabaco en Costa Rica



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Publication Date

August 2004


A study on the youth perceptions of tobacco advertising in the Monteverde region of Costa Rica. Although health risks associated with tobacco use are well documented in the world, tobacco companies continue to seek new smokers to increase sales. As a result, youth have been one of the main targets of tobacco advertising because smokers usually begin smoking in their teen years. This study focused on the youth perceptions of tobacco advertising in the Monteverde region of Costa Rica. Our hypothesis states that while pro-tobacco advertisements attract the attention of youth (between ages 14 and 18 years) to become smokers and/or to continue smoking, anti-tobacco advertisements do not adequately target this same youth audience. Our study used preliminary interviews with adults, focus groups with youth, and a survey to gather data. The focus groups were comprised of three to four participants from the Colegio de Santa Elena. The volunteers were also asked what they would like to see on pro- and anti-tobacco advertisements. Based on their responses, we found that there is a greater consensus of their perceptions with the pro advertising than the anti-tobacco advertising, and that youth feel that anti-tobacco advertising should be more abundant in the area as well as more appealing for youth. We believe that this study has implications for future youth anti-tobacco campaigns and interventions.


Un estudio sobre la percepción de la publicidad del tabaco en la region de Monteverde, Costa Rica.


Advertising--Tobacco, Tobacco use, Cigarette smokers, Community Heal, 2004

Palabras claves

Publicidad--Tabaco, Uso de tabaco, Fumadores de cigarillo, Salud Comunitaria 2004


23 pages

Geographic Location

Monteverde (Puntarenas, Costa Rica)

Holding Location

Monteverde Institute



Media Type



Digital Only



Creative Commons

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.

Perceptions of Monteverde youth (14-18 years of age) towards pro- and anti-tobacco advertising in Costa Rica, August 2004



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