Carter Collection - 3D Models

Carter Collection Blacksmith Shop at Carter Boyhood Home

Carter Collection Blacksmith Shop at Carter Boyhood Home


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This small, reconstructed blacksmith shop was made to replicate the small workshop at the Jimmy Carter National Historic Site (Boyhood Home). According to President Carter, the shop had a dirt floor, and tools included a forge and anvil, drill press, and Emory wheel that were utilized in daily tool upkeep and repair. The President is a notable woodworker. He credits his time with his father in the Blacksmith shop with learning to work with tools that he would use in furniture making and, later, extensive philanthropy work in building and repairing homes with Habitat for Humanity. The blacksmith shop was also where the farm's mules and horses were shod, and the plows were sharpened.

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Architecture, Cultural property, National Park Service, African Americans history, Terrestrial laser scanning, 39th President, Presidential history, Jimmy Carter National Historical Park (Plains, Ga.), Jimmy Carter


1 3-D Model

Geographic Location

Sumter County (Ga.); Plains (Ga.)


This model is part of the Jimmy Carter National Historical Park 3D Architecture Collection.

Carter Collection Blacksmith Shop at Carter Boyhood Home


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