Carter Collection - 3D Models

Carter Collection Carter Family Homestead and Commissary

Carter Collection Carter Family Homestead and Commissary


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The Boyhood Farm includes the Carter family home, several outbuildings, and the commissary run by Jimmy's Dad, Earl Carter. Adjacent to the store is a gas pump that was sold to passing motorists, and behind the store is a windmill of the type that operated on the Carter homestead. Fields planted with crop vegetables are to one side of the commissary, and a clay tennis court lies between the home and the store. Jimmy would play his father in tennis on this clay court, and while the games were tough, he said he could never get the better of his father. The commissary store was simple by design and was not always open. If someone stopped in at the store, Jimmy was often charged with opening it up and making the sale.

Streaming Media


Supplies and stores, Windmills, Gardening, Gas lift pumps, National Park Service, Homesteads, Laser scanning, Architecture, 39th President, Jimmy Carter National Historical Park (Plains, Ga.), Jimmy Carter, Friends of Jimmy Carter National Historic Site, Commissaries, Terrestrial laser scanning


1 3-D Model

Geographic Location

Sumter County (Ga.); Plains (Ga.)

Carter Collection Carter Family Homestead and Commissary


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