Ovid and Adaptation in Early Modern English Theatre
USFSP Faculty Role
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Uses adaptation and appropriation studies to explore early modern textual and theatrical metamorphoses of Ovid
- Applies contemporary theoretical approaches, such as gender/queer/trans studies, feminist ecostudies, hauntology, rhizomatic adaptation, transmediality
- Uses adaptation studies in analyzing early modern transformations of Ovid
- Focuses on the appropriations of "Ovid" (as an umbrella term for "all things Ovidian") on the early modern English stage
- Includes chapters on Shakespeare and Marlowe as well as other early modern dramatists
Did you know that Ovid was a multifaceted icon of lovesickness, endless change, libertinism, emotional torment and violence in early modern England? This is the first collection to use adaptation studies in connection with other contemporary theoretical approaches in analysing early modern transformations of Ovid. It provides innovative perspectives on the ‘Ovids’ that haunted the early modern stage, while exploring intersections between adaptation theory and gender/queer/trans studies, ecofeminism, hauntology, transmediality, rhizomatics and more. This book examines the multidimensional, ubiquitous role that Ovid and Ovidian adaptations played in English Renaissance drama and theatrical performance.
Hardback: 9781474430067 eBook (ePub): 9781474430098 eBook (PDF): 9781474430081
Publication Date
Edinburgh University Press
Shakespeare, adaptation, Ovid, Renaissance drama, early modern theatre
Recommended Citation
Starks, Lisa S., "Ovid and Adaptation in Early Modern English Theatre" (2020). Faculty Books. 2.