Postcard, Terrible Jim Fitch, 2008

Postcard, Terrible Jim Fitch, 2008

James Leo Herhily
Studio at 620
Tom Stovall
Hersha Parady


"Terrible Jim Fitch" is set in a motel room where the relationship between a girl hustler, and a man, a small-time crook, is explored. Their relationship is a complex one. The man, in a way, loves the girl, being totally dependent upon her for simple human involvement. But he has a weakness for violence, a weakness played on by the girl...."Terrible Jim Fitch," is a long monolog but the audience sees the person being spoken to. Jim Fitch is mean, nasty and philosophic in his own way - a man who talks, argues, pleads, humors and finally threatens his girlfriend, in trying to get a response out of her.


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