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poster, history, painting, art, exhibiton, St. Petersburg (Fla.)


The Highwaymen is the name given to a group of young African American artists who came together in the late 1950's in the area of Fort Pierce, Florida. They were and are painters of the Florida landscape. Identifying themselves as 'Colorists,' they painted the real and the imagined landscapes of Florida with colors and forms that captured the raw energy of the land. Drawing on their own cultural heritage, they abandoned the formal academic approach to representation and instead took from their own deep interior landscape a unique creative energy. They used this energy to construct a mythology of images that have the ability to touch everyone who sees them. An exhibition of include lectures by scholars, visits and demonstrations by artists as well as sales of their paintings, a brunch and a theatrical event written by BDJ highlighting the rough civil rights period in which the Highwaymen worked.



Poster, The Florida Highwaymen, 2005



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