Postcard Collection


Studio at 620



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postcard, St. Petersburg (Fla.), music


April 2018 The Sounds@620 is a new music series exploring the depth and breadth of all things tonal. You'll experience a range of styles and techniques, from familiar favorite performers to avant-garde newcomers. Don’t miss a beat! Join us and hear all kinds of Sounds@620! Shows begin at 7:00 PM unless otherwise noted. Doors open 30 minutes prior to show.

April 5, 2018/Thursday Cartoon Punch: A Drum and Bass Duo Blending indie rock, R&B, jazz and hiphop—Admission $10

April 9, 2018/Monday Variety House Jam Band The backbone of the new Variety@620 event series—Admission $5

April 12, 2018 James Suggs and Friends Jazz Trumpet with Piano—Admission $20/$15 Studio Members

April 13, 2018/Friday Luis González: Baritone—Florida Recital Debut Stunning vocal works with pianist Michael Stewart—$25/$20 Studio Members

Special Thanks to Series Sponsors: Smith & Associates Real Estate

Subject: geographic

St. Petersburg (Fla.)



Sounds@620 Music Series



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