Postcard Collection



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postcard, St. Petersburg (Fla.), music


Showcasing excerpts from Vivaldi’s Griselda alongside Handel’s La Lucrezia and Partì l'idolo mio, this program features rarely-performed Baroque opera and cantatas presented by early music specialists from around the country. This semi-staged production for soprano and mezzo will be performed alongside a late 17th century style harpsichord with cello continuo. Two nights only! Don’t miss these exuberant and highly demanding pieces. Music Direction by Dylan Sauerwald Stage Direction by Erin Huelskamp Performers: Thea Lobo, Mezzo Ashley Roper, Soprano Shirley Hunt, Cello Dylan Sauerwald, Music Director and Harpsichord

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St. Petersburg (Fla.)



Vivaldi's “Griselda” and Other Baroque Tales of Broken Hearts



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