Postcard Collection



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postcard, St. Petersburg (Fla.), movie


The Studio@620 invites you to experience a profound merging of technology and creativity and immerse yourself in a unique video installation. The title of the exhibition, “small brains en masse”, represents the past, present and future aspects of Dennis’s art. It is not a critical statement. It is a statement of wonder and intrigue that integrates and extends future studies by Dennis to include our very own St. Petersburg. Dennis Hlynsky is a US-based Artist, Designer and Professor at Rhode Island School of Design. “Nothing I am doing with these video recordings is complex or new. There is nothing new under the sun. The internet has given us tools to track our data exhaust —I am afraid in the future we will be comparing any creative thought we have to thousands of similar hits from a google search.” —Dennis Hlynsky

Subject: geographic

St. Petersburg (Fla.)



Small Brains En Masse



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